

5 minutes earlier,

"Lord Commander, we have secured the parameters. No signs of the enemy."

A leaf green-haired boy with long ears and a face that could only be described as 'pretty' walked up to Nero and reported.

"Good job, William," Nero absentmindedly replied with a lost look on his face.

"Anything bothering you?" asked William.

Nero brushed his fingers back through his hair before responding, "Yes, why haven't they attacked us yet?"

"Maybe they gave up on the shopping district?"

"Impossible. Conquering this area and getting supplies from here is a vital key to winning this mock war."

"What if maybe they have some other strategy in mind?"

"I'm trying to figure out what they could be after. If they haven't attacked us here and now, then when and where will they?"

"I mean–" 

Before William and Nero could continue chit-chat, they noticed someone running in their direction.
