
Chapter 38 - Communication

A participant has been added to the Chat: "The Snow Queen"

The chat notifications distracted me from work, and as soon as I realized its essence, I froze. A new member is, of course, not bad, but I hope it's not some psychopathic killer. However, according to his original nickname, or rather her, I already have a couple of ideas.

Hermione Granger: A new chat participant? Great!

Hermione Granger: My name is Hermione Granger, nice to meet you!

Shinoa Hiragi: How much goodwill... it even became unpleasant.

Hermione Granger: No need to spoil the first impression of a new participant!

Shinoa Hiragi: What difference does it make, anyway, he or she quickly realizes that everything is strange here ... there is an administrator-kun who wants innocent virgins for himself ... so if you are a beautiful girl, then you will not be saved.

Hermione Granger: Shinoa!

Hermione Granger: Don't be silly!

Rias Gremory: You're at it again)

Shinoa Hiragi: Don't say you don't like it, you're a demon. Or are you worried about your relationship with the administrator-kun? Don't worry, there will always be a place for you in his harem.

Rias Gremory: I didn't think about that!

Hermione Granger: "The Snow Queen" hi, don't pay attention to these messages, they're just having fun. As I understand it, you don't understand anything right now. Do you have any questions?

Shinoa Hiragi: Where's Erina? Here is an introduction to the new member

Rias Gremori: I think she wrote that she would be busy for several days and practice with Ki and cooking at the same time…

Rias Gremory: Apparently after the mission she decided to become stronger. However, given our past mission, this is reasonable.

The Snow Queen: Yes, I have a few questions.

Hermione Granger: Wonderful! I am ready to answer them!

Shinoa Hiragi: Of course…

Hermione Granger: What are you implying?!

Shinoa Hiragi: Yes, there's nothing... I'm just… you're a fan of answering questions…

The Snow Queen: You all recently left Patch Island, what is this magic chat?

Hermione Granger: Oh, you're Weiss?!

Shinoa Hiragi: More like her sister, she's definitely the snow queen…

The Snow Queen: Yes, I am Winter Schnee. And who gave me that name here?

Shinoa Hiragi: Even through these letters, I feel a certain coldness…

Hermione Granger: Shinoa stop it! Winter, you can change your nickname…

Hermione started explaining the work of the Chat to her, and another window popped up for me.

A participant from the world you visited joined.

Now the Administrator can invite other creatures to the Chat.

The cost of an additional participant at the moment is: 2000 CP.

The ability to invite people to Chat was unlocked, and just below this sign, there was a description that I could not invite anyone from memory. One of the most important rules is that I must see this person/creature at least once in person, otherwise, it will be impossible to invite him to the Chat. In addition, there were some explanatory details about the new invitees in a special window for the administrator.

The Snow Queen: Changed her nickname to "Winter Schnee"

"Quite a logical restriction." I nodded to myself.

Still, if I could invite the same Saitama, it would be extremely... good for me and bad for my enemies. Although I do not know the limit of his powers, because it was a comedy manga, but he can destroy the planet. However, I am not sure that he is able to defeat multidimensional beings, not in his universe.

Winter Schnee: I see. So you're all from other worlds?

Rias Gremory: You take it kind of easy, but yes, that's right. In the same place in the files you can find "Real Memory" for some of our worlds to better understand the situation.

Hermione Granger: I went then, I have a class!

Shinoa Hiragi: I have a lesson too…

Anthony (Administrator): Winter, glad to see you here. Welcome to our Chat... now you will see a lot more than just a confrontation with Salem.

Winter Schnee: What do you mean?

Anthony (Administrator): After viewing the Real Memory, you will understand it better, but... the world is not limited to one Remnant. There are countless different worlds where there are creatures worse than Grimm, or where the tyranny of other creatures prevails. In general, I think you will adapt quickly. How's Weiss?

Winter Schnee: She's fine.

Anthony (Administrator): This is, of course, good, but I mean something else. What is she doing now? Have you considered my words about your father?

Without waiting for a quick response, I turned my attention to the ritual of creating a spatial pocket in the ring. In general, I had the idea to try to create a domain right in my soul, I have often heard about them in various stories in the past, but ... so far it is too hard for me and dangerous.

More precisely, exactly how I imagined the domain is a dangerous thing, that is, the space is tied directly to the soul through emptiness or something else. The gods create their pocket dimensions, tied directly to someplace on the planet, and settle down there, but they have enough bad power for this, but I don't have it now.

The book of Thoth describes the rituals of finding such bound dimensions, as well as the rituals of tying them to yourself ... only if something goes wrong, the soul itself may suffer, which is much worse than the affected body.

But, on the other hand, in the three books, sufficiently strong magicians could easily bind themselves to the pocket dimension that they created. For example, Zatara created the mansion "Shadowcrest" and placed the entire interior of the mansion in a special magical dimension, that is, as if the mansion is physically located in the real world, but if you go there, then you are at the mercy of the one who owns the mansion ... unless, of course, you are not a very strong magician able to move between dimensions.

And here's how to do something like this, I understand, but so far I don't need it. So now I was creating a pocket dimension right in the ring, which, according to my calculations, should have a size of one hundred and twenty-five cubic meters. But then again, it's not too complicated, and the magicians from Harry Potter can do much more magnificent things with the help of Invisible Expansion Charms.

Putting an entire building in a suitcase doesn't look so fantastic. But what I'm doing is a little more complicated simply because of the number of charms taken from several worlds combined into one ritual.

"But after it is better to use a faster way." I said.

The magic of the DC world has many facets, and if I have enough Will and magical powers, then I should easily achieve the same result with just a couple of words, but ... I'm interested in trying the ritual, because I can already be considered a scientist/ alchemist/engineer.

Winter Schnee: How sure are you about compromising on... father?

Shinoa Hiragi: Hmm, did I miss something? Administrator-kun, have you already seduced her with sweet speeches?

Anthony (Administrator): 100%. There is a lot of dirt there, which shows him far from the best side. He will not wash off from this, however, he may not care about his reputation, but he is trying to maintain the purity of his transactions.

Winter Schnee: I see.

Winter Schni: Thank you for that hacking protection program, it came in handy.

Anthony (Administrator): Oh, did the Snow Queen herself thank me?) I am flattered by such an honor, I would like to see your beautiful face at this moment.

Winter Schnee: I started to regret sending this…

Shinoa Hiragi: Administrator-kun doesn't even hide his vicious thoughts anymore…

Anthony (Administrator): But seriously, what happened? As you understand, I am VERY far away from you now and have no way to watch the news. But can I try to guess... was there an attack to rescue Cinder?

Winter Schnee: Yes.

Winter Schnee: And it succeeded.

Anthony (Administrator): That's... not good.

Winter Schnee: To put it mildly, I agree with your statement. In addition, the systems recorded a hacking signal and if it were not for the program that noticed and prevented it, irreparable could happen again.

Anthony (Administrator): Glad I could help) I'll be visiting your world soon, it's just that I really have a couple of things to do there. By the way, how did the Chat call you? I mean, just a sign appeared in front of my eyes and that's it?

Winter Schnee: I was offered strength.

Anthony (Administrator): I see. After the attack, you were clearly more than upset… The chat chose the right time.

Winter Schnee: Didn't you send the invitation?

Anthony (Administrator): No, I just got the opportunity to invite participants, I didn't have such an opportunity before.

Shinoa Hiragi: Administrator-kun wants to get into Winter's world to hit on her? Oh, he is increasingly showing his real animal appearance…

Rias Gremory: So you can invite anyone to our Chat?!

Anthony (Administrator): Correction. I can invite someone I've seen live at least once. It's worth the Chat Points. More precisely, 2000 points.

Winter Schnee: I've read all the explanations in the "Information" tab and the ones you added yourself. Have you become so strong because of the Chat?

Rias Gremory: Hmm. Not quite. I was a Demon, and I remained one, and I haven't acquired any new abilities yet, but maybe I will soon.

Shinoa Hiragi: Are you all ignoring me? Again?

Anthony (Administrator): Chat gives you opportunities and Points for which you can buy any things from the worlds in which you live. That is, if you have enough Chat Points, you may well acquire Immortality, like Salem or Virgo power. Or even several. But so far we've only had one mission, so it's not that many points.

I squinted at my Chat Glasses. And indeed, I don't have enough for the best things, so I'm not lying.

Winter Schnee: Got it.


After sending the message, the Schni specialist, or just Winter, thought about it. Was she surprised? Very much, one might say, stunned. But she's not fifteen years old to panic or get nervous about something unexpected.

The girl has been sitting in the hospital for an hour and studying this Chat. After a little correspondence with a group that seemed to have suddenly appeared and just as suddenly disappeared, strangers explained a lot to her.

It's hard to believe, but not impossible. Moreover, the Aura should have helped during this time. but no, the signs that no one else sees are still in front of her eyes. The medical staff came in to check her health, and they did not see the signs they had passed through several times.

Of course, it could have been someone else's Semblance, but she already knows that magic is real, as is Queen Grimm. Someone more terrible than a simple Grimm, someone who can order and control them. So the possibility of the existence of something like this Chat ... let it hit her vision of the world, but she kept herself in hand. Still, emotions can give strength, but you should never let them take over the mind. She recently said this to her sister.

That "strange group of hunters" were not hunters at all. One was a Demon, a real Demon, and those wings were not a Semblance, but common features of her race.

Others also stood out... now everything is in place in her head. Still, it was hard not to notice that two of them had absolutely no special Hunter's endurance, even if they were beginners. Living in a world where Grimms are raging, where every day in the village can be the last ... all this hardens, and she did not see it in the same Hermione or Erina.

As it turned out, they didn't even have an aura during the battle with the Grimm, only on board their ship Anthony acquired an Aura in the Chat Shop and opened it to others.

Or this one… Shinoa, who behaves very... inappropriately, is a soldier in her own world. A world in which there are pathetic crumbs of humanity and Vampires now rule in them, judging by Hermione's words.

All this still requires additional verification, but now she sees this as... an opportunity. The general would not believe her words without proof, she understood and accepted it. He'll probably think it's because of that faun's poison.

There is also the question of her father. He began to put pressure on General Ironwood, whom she respects very much, and wants to take Weiss to Atlas. Her sister, who is now in the farthest cabin. What does Anthony want to achieve by making plans to... overthrow his father from power? He is from another world and he simply has no reason to get into it.

Shinoa Hiragi: Administrator-kun breaks my virgin heart…

"What kind of dirty hints from this girl ... "— the eldest of the Schni sisters could not resist commenting out loud. We need to get more information and learn more about these Missions.
