
Chapter 7 - Determination for Change

" And there is no ..." the fifteen-year-old girl muttered softly to herself, putting aside the book "The Corners of the World" by Wendiago Frekhmunt. The girl exhaled and blew away a strand of brown hair hanging in front of her eyes. Next to her on the table was a pile of books of various contents.

Just today, as she, Harry, and Ron arrived at Hogwarts, at the celebration of the beginning of the school year, Headmaster Dumbledore told that there would be no Quidditch this year. But instead, the Triwizard Tournament will be held, an event last held in the eighteenth century due to the huge number of deaths among the participants. Weasley, as usual, behaved like an idiot and immediately began to say that it would be nice to participate in a prize of a thousand galleons and completely missed the part about the danger.

The last few days have been difficult for Hermione in general, an attack by Death Eaters at the Quidditch World Cup, where they faced murderers, the usual name-calling from purebloods and especially from Malfoy, and strangling hugs with Molly Weasley. The latter might even have been comparable to the former. In addition, she learned about the poor house elves who are being held as slaves! Then the indignation in the girl exceeded all imaginable and unthinkable limits.

But soon another thing happened A Spatially Group Chat, you will hear the name and you will not understand what it is about. At first, the girl suspected the antics of Fred and George, but she checked with Madam Pomfrey and nothing was found.

But the signs appearing in front of her eyes are not the norm, but the girl was too busy with the idea of freeing house elves that she was released only after a few hours.

At first, she read the Information and was... stunned, to say the least. Stunned by such blatant lies! She even decided to ask Professor McGonagall about possible other worlds, and she did not directly answer, but made it clear that these were Muggle children's tricks! She especially didn't like her name in this Chat, because that's what she was called in the first years of training and it was very insulting.

She decided to conduct a couple of experiments, this Chat was like sending messages by fax, only everything was much faster. The mind of a far-from-stupid girl immediately looked for inconsistencies in the words "Rias", who considers herself a simply ridiculous "Devil". But the further Hermione read the more curiosity and uncertainty rose in her. The "copy of the DxD Memory", whatever it means, that the administrator sent, was like a movie in the best quality. But Hermione knew that electronics didn't work in the walls of the school, and magicians hadn't thought of making such films yet... only small segments in newspapers and that's it.

The fact that the Administrator knew the events at her school again raised the degree of suspicion that someone was bullying her ... and this happened often. But the words of this Anthony that the school is not safe first raised a wave of indignation in her, and then ... calm acceptance. After reading the message about what happened in the first and second year... it really doesn't look safe. She enjoyed all these adventures, in which she could participate with FRIENDS and be a TEAM ... so as not to feel the loneliness that usually accompanies her.

When a certain Erina sent the dishes and Hermione chose them out of pure curiosity... a plate with a divine smell appeared right in front of her! In the library! Fortunately, the girl was alone, and no one noticed it, and she frantically tried to hide the plate, but in the process could not resist and tried ... remembering that moan of hers and the look of Madame Pince, the girl blushed again.

"Now she thinks I'm a pervert," a thought flashed through her head.

Already with the name changed, she continued to read what Rias and Anthony were talking about. Soon, the uncertainty in their conclusions that it was all a joke reached a peak. The girl did not know who to turn to and not look crazy, and it turned out that there was no one to turn to. Harry will probably be curious about what's going on and recommend sleeping, but Ron... he's just Ron and that says it all.

Entering the Spatial Store, the girl saw a huge assortment of all kinds of magical things! Even forbidden and dark ones, which could not but frighten the young girl. And now she was trying to find books about the theory of another world, but apparently, it needs to be looked for in the Muggle world. But we still need to watch this Chat…


"Your desire to get rid of the burden of studying as soon as possible is understandable." Cortana's voice spoke in my ear. With the help of 15% of Tony Stark's knowledge, it was not difficult for me to make a small ear communicator from headphones in a couple of minutes, which would be connected to my phone and through which Cortana could speak. Her main place of residence is still the same holoprojector that I have in my backpack.

"Then we need to act and talk to the professor. He knows that I am more than a capable student, so there should be no problems with the early completion of the university program." I said sitting in the subway, not paying attention to the look of some not particularly clean-looking person.

"For a human individual, society is an important part of life, especially friends. Do you have any friends?" AI asked a question after a while.

"I have a sister and it was enough for me before. Although I have a couple of good friends. But since yesterday we can say that you have also become my friend and partner."

" ...Accepted." I heard and we drove on in silence.

After a good sleep, I was able to mentally relax from yesterday's crazy day and, it seems, now I consider myself Anthony Luther, and not just a copy or a migrant. Well, of course, it was still possible not to spend hours parsing the introductory notes from Cortana, but the data was too interesting.

I had time to think about conversations with AI about my plans, and I finally decided to just follow my heart. In my head, I have already come up with several plans to deal with Luther, with his downright huge distrust of others. The fact that he is the sole shareholder only plays into my hands, with a nanosuit and Cortana covering my back, everything should work out. But I will not start acting today, tomorrow is the first day of the new month and I will be able to buy a hundred Gacha points. Suddenly something useful will drop out that will change my plans.

Metropolis University was exactly what I, or the previous me, remembered it. He is fighting with the University of Gotham for leadership and the graduation of gifted students. But considering what usually happens in Gotham, I'd rather study here.

After talking to the professor, I managed to convince him that I want to graduate as soon as possible, and for this, I am ready to pass all the remaining subjects in four semesters. I studied under the Computer Technology program and the last one, even without Tony Stark's knowledge, could have passed ahead of schedule, maybe not for A+, but still. It won't be a problem for the current me at all.

First, they took me to the Director, where I showed a little that I could pass everything, and so they decided to organize all the tests in a couple of hours ... director really wanted to show Gotham University that they had a newly graduated genius. And when I talked to the director and persuaded him to allow me to take another program in a related direction and was immediately ready to pay $45,000, he did not remove the smile from his face at all.

Perhaps I played on the competitive mood of the director because otherwise, everything could have taken a lot more time. Especially if I want to get a doctorate, then you can't get away with it in one day. The test can be written today, but there is still a week of meetings with different professors to prove their knowledge more comprehensively, and do not forget about dissertations. In general, money and influence could solve these problems, but I don't have that much of both yet.

All the necessary tests took me about seven hours and during this time the director was busy.

"A Genius student? " I read the headline of an article in the Daily Planet and there was a photo of me behind the test, in a separate audience. The director takes everything he can out of the situation.

"Given the character of Alexander Luthor, there is a fifty-one percent chance that he will not leave the situation just like that." The AI's voice sounded in my ear. Now I was sitting in the cafeteria of the university and drinking coffee.

" Yes, of course ... "- not to say that I did not expect this, so I did not experience any negative emotions. Lex probably won't like that his little brother is kind of a genius. Although knowing him, I can assume that he will not do anything now, he will wait until everything around me calms down. While I was sitting, I decided to enter the chat via my phone.

Spatial Store

Chat Points: 700

Group Chat




When there was time, I went to the Spatial Store, fortunately, I already had seven hundred Chat Points. The choice was huge, there were ordinary items and items of divine level... and higher.

Hammer of Thor (A) 60,000 CP

This price is already discounted, the real price is 110000 CP from the World of DxD.

Helmet of Destiny: (S) 160,000 CP

Mother Box: (SS) 240,000 CP

Mobius Throne: (SS) 280000 CP

In general, there were a lot of items of varying degrees of strength, but they were also expensive. So I decided to see what I could take on my Chat Points and the choice was huge, so I sat for twenty minutes and didn't even get to half of the list, but as soon as I entered the chat, a new inscription appeared:


Hidden Task Completed: Change the fate of the chat participant.

A group chat can change the fate of the participants by its appearance, but it is the Administrator who should push the participants to do this, make sure that the participant makes a fateful decision. Whether this will lead to problems or victories, time will tell.

Reward: + 3000 Chat Points


Staring at the inscription, I didn't even know what to say, apparently, the conversation with Rias was very productive and she still decided for herself to become stronger and take fate into her own hands, at least concerning the wedding. Three thousand chat points is a huge amount of Chat Points, but for now, I decided to wait. I won't buy anything in a public place anyway.

Erina Nakiri: Is Administrator-kun still offline?

Rias Gremory: Apparently yes, I also have a question for him.

Erina Nakiri: By the way, I looked at the "Copy of Memory" before going to bed... how can you be so perverse…

Erina Nakiri: A pervert. This is outrageous! If such a person appeared in my Tootsuki Academy, he would be kicked out immediately!

Rias Gremory: By the way, I was wondering, what do you do at your academy? Moreover, you seem to be a member of some kind of elite ten

Erina Nakiri: Some kind of? Some kind???

Erina Nakiri: Oh yes, different worlds... it's still hard to believe it. This is a world-famous culinary school in Japan. Students from all over the world come to study there and become the best chef. But a lot of people are rejected because they are not talented enough. The Elite Ten is the student council and it includes the best of the best!

Erina Nakiri: "Sent A Photo"

Rias Gremory: Pretty. Don't you have anything supernatural in the world?

Erina Nakiri: I haven't heard of this.

Erina Nakiri: Well, I've only heard about strong people who train all their lives in some martial arts and can lift cars… but I do not know how true this is.

Anthony (Administrator): Hello everyone

Rias Gremory: Tony-kun! I conducted my first training session following your instructions and only now found time to rest. I learned from my brother that to achieve his strength, he also trained a lot... but Sirzechs did not tell me about it out of concern!

Erina Nakiri: Isn't that logical?

Rias Gremory: Well... yes... but I thought it was his legacy. Now I'm ashamed of the way I was…

Anthony (Administrator): Training, whether mental or physical, is useful in any case. And Devils, as far as I know, are already born strong enough and they have a much higher limit that they can reach when compared with an ordinary person. That's why I advised you to start training.
