
Saved By The... Ninja?

At the front of the plane, the three men were checking out everyone's passports as if they were looking for a criminal, separating Liu Yan from the others as if they could give him the plague.

When they got to Rì-Chū, the man looking at his passport turned to his nearest colleague, showing him the Chinese passport.

"This one's a native too. Should we move him with the other?" he asked in Chinese.

Rì-Chū looked at the man, his eyes widening.

"I'm not going home yet, sir. Only Liu Yan," he replied, trying to explain his situation.

The man looked at him, looking at the age on the passport, and huffed.

"Go with the other. You are not an adult and don't get to choose," he ordered Rì-Chū.

But when he saw the young man wasn't budging from his spot, he tried grabbing at his elbow to drag him apart, and shit hit the fan instantly.
