
All Aboard

With everyone on board, and their baggage safely stowed in the luggage compartments, Kary went to the front of the plane, knocking on the cabin door and announcing herself.

"Major Schrute. It's Kary Deveille. We are all aboard and ready for takeoff. The rest is up to you," she said, waiting for a reply.

The door slid open, with the major sitting in the pilot seat, as she flipped switches, turned nobs, and read gauges, making her last pre-flight checks.

"Ms. Deveille. I still have to radio in the tower for a lift-off clearance, and taxi this baby to the runway. We won't be off the ground for another half hour. But the plane might move a bit until then, so make sure none of you fall and hurt yourselves in the process.

"I would hate to have to cancel liftoff and call in a medical crew just because someone was reckless and ran in the plane during taxi."

"I will make sure everyone is seated or holding on, then," Kary said, smiling at the woman.
