
Battle Of Wits And Time

Hearing her outburst, the gnome working in the golem burst out laughing.

"Bahaha! The lass has a mouth on her, do'n she? It's been a while since a woman spoke to you that way, hasn't it, bro?!"

"Shut up, Terrance."

"Hey Don't call me by my real name, you idjit. It's Gravedigger here! Would you like me to call you Clarence?"

"Fine! Shut up, 'Gravedigger'!"

"Sure thing, Gnomestein! Bahaha!"

"Both of you shut up!" Phoenix shouted.

She was growing angrier by the second, with how the two of them ignored her presence.

"And stop digging into my walls!"

The gnome on the ground, Gnomestein, turned to face her.

"Ahh, I'm sorry. No can do. They ordered us to drill through the walls, and we will do just that."

"Yeah, lassy! Plus, I've never dug into rock this hard. This is challenging and I love challenges!"

"Then I guess you'll have to burn."
