
Chapter 8

I: Isaac was prepared for something dangerous. He was not prepared for something magical, and special. The world around him began to change as he stared at the strange symbol on her hand and her slowly stood upright with his smile fading. He watched her as she drew closer to him, and in that moment, he knew that trouble had arrived at his doorstep. He looked at her hand and reached for it, and he pulled her closer to him closing the gap between their bodies.

His eyes lifted to the sky to view the wetter and the world shimmered. He was amazed that she chose to do something like this. Isaac looked into her eyes and realized two very important, and two very terrifying things. First, Jess was not like any Shadow Hunter he had ever met, and that was not good at all. Simply because a person with such a bright heart as her own, who loves her brother yet cannot fathom him being harmed, a woman who is not wanting to be in a world of death and demons yet pushes past it to fight for her brother's sake, and finally a woman who when asked to create a rune of power and strength to defend herself, first thinks to create something...magical. She did not belong in the Shadow Hunting world, she was meant for something much greater.

The second thing he noticed was that she had touched his heart with her innocence and fiery spark, and that was incredibly dangerous, yet for him and not for her. He would never be able to turn her over now, whether she wanted to be a Shadow Hunter or a mundane pretender, he could never let the institute have her, and he could never see himself giving her over to them. This meant he was in deep trouble because for the first time, Zack the undefeated had finally entered a mission he would never succeed.

"What did you do?" he asked quietly, and he turned her hand over to inspect the rune she used. This was dangerous for her, to create something beautiful, and it was training to fight, he knew that he would have to protect her at some point. Deep in his heart Isaac believed that he had been mystified by her, but it shamed him to know he had fallen so quickly. He tried to push her away, but his hands wouldn't listen. They held her hand instead and he continued to wonder what rune this was. His jaw set in a grimace as he realized he truly thought she was...very amazing.

B: She smiled as he looked around. When he asked her what she did she shrugged and pretended it was nothing. She moved aside and walked past him only to turn around and grabbed his hands and pin them behind his back and shoved him forwards onto the ground. She pinned him and straddled his back and tied his hands together with a small thing of rope and got up. "Distracting your enemy is a great thing." She said leaning down to his eye level with a sexy smirk. "Guess you're all tied up. And can't stop me from going to get food. Cause I like the taste of food. Not because I need to just because I want to." She giggled.

She walked out of the training room leaving him tied up and went to the kitchen and looked for cookies and she poured herself a glass of milk. She hopped onto the counter and ate her cookies and milk and waited for Isaac to start yelling to come let him lose. 'Ha he is going to be so upset but it was totally worth it. He did not see it coming and his face...it was priceless.' She thought as she ate a cookie.

I: When she hit the fast move on him Isaac had to admit, he was caught completely off guard. And it led to him falling flat into the ground. He would have easily freed himself and wrestled her down and stuffed her into the ground for doing this, if she was a demon. However, she wasn't, she was Jess.

So, dumbfounded he let the little minx tie him up. His face turned vicious as he looked up to her smirking at him. Oh boy, was she going to get it...

"Jess..." He called her name through clenched teeth. "This isn't funny." He watched her walk away and anger in his voice caused it to rise. "Jessssss!" He began to wiggle around and crawl on his stomach. "I was NOT distracted! Do you know how dangerous it- you- I was trying to correct you! I was- HEY! GET BACK HERE!" But she was still leaving, and to eat food no less! He could not believe she was laughing at him! He grumbled and couldn't help but to laugh himself. He lowered his forehead to the ground and sighed deeply.

Yes Isaac, she got you. Fair and square. The boys are really going to crack up at this one. Isaac began to wedge his weapon out of his holster, and he fastened the blade to his wrists, and he cut the rope. He yanked his hands free and pushed up from the floor and gave his hair an embarrassed swipe with his hands.

Isaac stumbled after her into the kitchen and he sighed. He leaned on the wall and folded his arms as he watched her eat the cookie with a sneaky smile on her face. "Alright, you deserve that I guess. But don't think I will fall for that ever again." He shook a finger at her and lifted from the wall. His face became serious as he walked closer to her and loomed over her. He suddenly grabbed her hand that held the cookie before she took another bite. He remained silent for a moment, and then whispered quietly. "Good job today."

He released her hand and turned from her and went to contact the Institute. "Suit up kid. We are hunting tonight."
