
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven

The library is well off of the ground. During the Great Burning, all books created by humans we’re attempted to be burned; to forever banish their magic from this world. A coven of witches, and magic from the Gods, managed to create a library that is air bound. The Valkyrie were given the sacred duty to guard it. The only way in, is direct flight, and must have royal permission to enter. I have the royal part taken care of; but staying hidden is the hard part. The second I land, is the second an alert is going to trigger.

The library starts to grow into view. The white stones are covered in runes with floating orbs surrounding it. Trees are twisted around the building in a giant ball, as if protecting it. Moss and vines are covering the tree roots, trying to bring them moisture and nourishment, collecting condensation from the air. That is the main reason it’s close to the ocean, for the humidity.

I land on a stone floor, next to a destroyed fountain. A field of flowers is opening the building in warmth, while the silence is what makes it foreboding. My bare feet pad silently against the floor as I pull my hair up and twist it into a ponytail; well aware my hair still holds my previous hairstyle. The building is filled with shelves and shelves of books, the ground covered in soft red carpet.

First stop, I go to the section containing spells. I find nothing regarding amnesia. Okay, let’s look at venom. My fingers scan the section, looking for books regarding poison, venom, potions. Anything. None of them contain what I’m looking for. My next stop is in regard to ferals. I want to find if ferals can truly talk, or if Morgain wasn’t fully turned.

One passage catches my eye: “Ferals are creatures that are cursed for forsaking the Gods and Goddesses. They are a cross of vampire and demon, designed to kill and feed on humanoid prey. It is believed that the original feral was a vampire, who performed spells to make it stronger, in order to kill the Vampiric Goddess’s daughter. The spells backfired and created a creature so gruesome, that all feared it. When the Goddess learned of this, she put a curse on the creature. To always be feared and crave nothing but blood and death.

“Contact with a feral’s venom is a painful death. Once in contact with the victim’s blood stream, their venom will paralyze and suction all magic and blood from their victim. The only cure is storm water, valian root, and boiled bark from a garback tree. If this potion is administered within six hours of the victim being bitten, the victim may survive. Be careful to make sure the victim wasn’t pregnant, as this will cause serious effects on the baby.

“Feral children carried by a non-feral mother, are born feral, and will only inherit the feral’s power, while draining and killing the mother of all things, except her skeleton. Feral mother’s will also carry feral children, but will be able to escape the consequences of an extremely painful death.”

A few pages after I read: “A vampire that is bitten by a feral, will become feral if not immediately cured of the venomous bite. A created feral will still be able to hold some primitive functions, such as: limited speech, sex drive, pain, anger, happiness, and cognitive thinking. They will also be able to morph into something human like for a short period of time in order to capture its prey. Beware of created ferals in the hands of a Hybrid, as they can be trained into adaptive human behavior with the aid of their venom.”

Hybrid? I keep the book tucked into my chest as I scan the bookshelves for information on all the thousands of creatures in our world. After almost giving up, I find a singular book called: “Mixes of Creatures, and Other Paired Mistakes.”

Well okay then. I start flipping through the book, skimming the pages until I land on something truly startling: “Hybrids are creatures of lycan and vampire DNA. They resemble vampires but can shift into lycan form as well. Hybrids are mostly distinguished by their longer canines, used to inject venom into the muscle of its prey, as well as the bloodstream. They’re teeth are stronger, and are able to lock into their prey, making their bite impossible to break.

“When a Hybrid ingests its victim’s blood, it can sample their magic and be used by them temporarily. When hunting for a victim, a Hybrid will lure its victim in with charm and pheromones to hypnotize their victim into doing exactly what the Hybrid says; before biting its victim and disabling it with its venom. Their venom is paralyzing and makes it impossible for their victim to escape. In the unlikely event the victim does escape, their muscles are forced into lockdown with extreme pain that will likely result in death. If the victim does survive, there are no further effects.

“Be cautious when confronting these creatures, as they’re extremely protective of their mates and offspring, as well as egotistical. If you damage a Hybrid’s pride, there is no stopping the creature from humiliating or killing you. If it decides to kill you, it will go to extreme lengths to get to you.

“Not much is known about Hybrids and their mating habits as they are increasingly rare. Hybrids are attracted to their mates based off of smell; much like a lycan but are also attracted by a chemical connection like a vampire. If a Hybrid selects a true mate, they’re extremely protective and will die before accepting rejection.

“Fear not, as Hybrids are rare enough to be thought of as extinct. Well true they’re bred from Lycan and Vampire, the child has to have a perfectly balanced set of power from both parents. If the child has more vampire in him than lycan, he will likely be vampire. The chances of a Hybrid being born are one in a million.”

“Oh come on,” I murmur under my breath. Well Greyson did say he was complicated, and he was there to kill me. Okay, maybe I should have taken his threat a little more seriously.

“You look over there.” A voice shouts, making me groan internally. I wasn’t done yet. Maybe it’s time I come to an accord with my family. As much as I’d hate to admit Alex is right, I need to accept my given role, even if it’s unwelcomed. However, I’d love to be able to kill Greyson for biting me. By the sound of it, he’s going to follow me wherever I go.

I ignore their searching, since I know they’ll find me soon, and keep up with my research. I tuck my find with the first one and go to another section and browse the books; my finger skimming the titles. “Hypnosis and Magic.”

“Hypnosis was discovered in Hybrids, and perfected by humans. Hypnosis was primarily used under the guidance of licensed professionals to help their patient to achieve a desired goal. Under hypnosis, the subject may be coaxed, or triggered into certain actions or states: such as eliminating destructive actions or forgetting traumatic experiences. It can also be used to recover buried memories brought on by trauma.

“In further development, hypnosis can be used by trinkets, spells, wards, smells, or hybrids. Hybrids are limited to a few minutes of control. A desired state can also be achieved with a trigger word. An example would be planting a subconscious action under hypnosis that is triggered by a word. The example being ‘Apple’ to make the subject fall asleep or forget an event. The same can be achieved with a certain smell. Spells and wards can be placed on the subject with the use of their blood to trigger the desired effect as well if the subject is away from a long distance.”

“I knew it,” I hiss. Greyson was a trigger word. Now who is around that knows how to hypnotize? Besides, what appears to be Greyson I mean. I put the book back and go to another section, seeking a bit more information. They really are taking their sweet time to find me. Then again, there are ten stories worth of information in this building. That building is roughly the length of a kingdom city, and could house three of them comfortably.

I go to the Lusole section to find a book of all listed packs. I search for Sunmoon and find nothing. Maybe I should look at dissolved/disbanded packs.

“Sunmoon Pack-Dissolved after attacking other packs, killing all surviving members and leaving their corpses mutilated and skinned of all flesh. Only one family is known to survive one of their packs and were sent to live with Second Queen Miyla Lavonne in the Cripson Mountains. Elaine Moon and Greyson Moon, her mate did not survive. The omegas of the Sunmoon Pack were sent to live in other various packs, while the head ranks were put to death.”

“Well things just got a lot darker.” I breathe, realizing that Greyson likely survived due to being a Hybrid, and the random attacks he committed are likely due to revenge. The names listed of the relocated Sunmoon pack members are all dead by now, but have left behind very strong offspring. I hate that I understand Greyson’s actions now…ish.

“Senja where are you?” Someone yells while I still walk around the books, searching for more information.

Like I’m going to make this easy for them. I just move along as I keep looking through the books. Let’s see if I can get more information of memory loss spells. The previous book mentioned there was some, but I couldn’t find it the first time around.

“Senja, this is your father speaking. You answer me right now,” My father yells, making me roll my eyes again. It’s honestly astonishing how long it’s taking them. Maybe staying put was my safest option to avoiding them.

I find a book titled “Apples to Zenala’s, and Other Magical Ingredients” Interested, I start skimming their list of ingredients that list magical properties of said ingredient. This is more of a time killer while I wait for them to think I left, or for them to find me. At this point, it’s a tossup on what is actually going to happen.
