
Chapter 15 - The Greens

120 AC

Sixth day of the second moon

Ulf Pov

"Who's a good girl?", I asked my horse who neighed happily. "Yes you are", I said as I fed her another apple.

"Wolf, wolf help me", said Baela as she ran at breakneck speed toward me.

"Princess, how many times do I have to tell you that my name is Ulf, not Wolf", I said. Despite Baela being a little ball of energy It was irritating to hear someone mispronounce your name despite repeated warnings.

"How are you Vēdros?" she asked my horse while completely disregarding my presence.

Yes, I had named my horse "Vēdros" which meant Fury in High Valyrian. She already showed promise of being a massive warhorse with the quantity that she ate I was pretty sure that she would become one of the biggest in Westeros.

"Ulf, my boy", I turned and heard the old septa call out to me.

"What happened Septa Alice, is there something that I can help you with?", I asked gracing the old septa with a smile.

"By any chance have you seen Princess Baela? I need to get her ready for the King's arrival but for the love of the seven I cannot find her anywhere".

I looked towards my horse behind which the said princess

was hiding when I got an Idea.

"You must be confused, Septa Alice. I only know Princess Balerion the twin of Princess Rhaena. Who is this Princess Baela that you speak of?"

The old Septas face was marred by confusion until I gave her a wink and she gave me a smile as she understood what was going to happen.

"Ulf, my name is Princess Baela and not Princess Balerion", came the reply of Baela who came from behind Vēdros.

Her face had become red and she was pouting but the color from her face drained away as soon as she saw the Septa giving her a cool look. It seemed that she had realized what had happened.

"Your grandmother is looking for you princess. Your sister Princess Rhaena has already gotten ready. It seems that she will get to eat the lemon cakes that I had asked the cooks to prepare. Truly what a shame.", she said in a sad tone.

Hearing her Baela immediately ran to her and started dragging her away to her room while I started laughing at the comical scene happening in front of me.

"I will tell father to increase your training Ulf", said Baela with a cruel smirk on her face which is very reminiscent to that of her father's.

Fuck. Daemon just looked for an opportunity to increase my training. Like father like daughter, I suppose.

I guess the only normal one is Rhaena.

"You also should get ready Ulf, the King, and his court will arrive soon", said the septa.

It was then that I realized that I was still wearing my training gear and ran back to my room.


"Who's the hottest eleven-year-old in planetos?", I asked my reflection in the mirror.

"Ulf the White", came the reply from the mirror who was not at all partial in regards to that particular question.

As I looked at the attire that I had worn I could not help but whistle.

For my first meeting with the king, I had worn white khaki pants with a white shirt on top of which I had chosen a robe of white silk that I had received as a gift from Daemon. While I tied it to my waist with a light grey belt that had small pearls in it. Which matched with the grey boots that had also been given to me by Daemon.

It had been a long time since I had been given a gift and when Daemon gave it to me the fondness that I had for him had increased.

I also wore a silver ring with the emblem of a seahorse carved on it which was given to me by none other than the Sea Snake.

My hair had grown too since the last time that I had cut it and It reached till my shoulder.

As I soaked in my attire I realized that the clothes that I had worn were similar to that of the dornish. Just wonderful.

It was then that I heard the voice of the herald announcing the arrival of the king and I ran towards the courtyard.

I came just in time to see the King Viserys first of his name also known to many as a "Dumb fat ass" who also shared the qualities of a doormat.

He had a ridiculous moustache and an equally ridiculous gut to go along with him. He was wearing the crown of King Jaehaerys also known as "Jaehaerys the Misogynist".

Then as I looked at the stunning beauty standing beside him my jaw fell to the ground. Alicent Fucking Hightower was a certified MILF. Her assets were amazing. What I would have done to be in Viserys's position.

As Viserys started greeting his daughter I looked at the rest of the Greens present there.

I looked at Aegon Targaryen who was looked as If he wanted to be anywhere else other than here. He had a sullen look on his face. I guess having the most beautiful dragon in the world still did not make him happy.

Yikes, Silverwing would roast me If she heard me say this.

I turned my attention to the boy standing next to him, who looked as bored as his brother, Aemond Targayen looked ready to bolt out of here before you could say the word go. He looked pissed off for some reason. Boy he was an emo kid even before losing his eye.

That event was something that I wanted to witness with my own two eyes.

It was then that I realized that a pair of eyes were on me and as I looked at the only daughter of Alicent looking at me, let me rephrase that the only daughter of Alicent eyeing me as If I was some eye candy. I felt a bit weird but I just gave her a wink along with my signature smile which showcased my dimple and she immediately turned crimson red and held her dress tightly.

It was then that I realized that I was turning into Daemon. The Seven save my soul.

As I was searching the crowd for the future "Daring" that I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Brother meet my squire, Ulf", said Daemon in a loud tone and all the chattering of the people present there stopped.

Suddenly the eyes of everyone present there came onto me.

I got down on one knee and greeted the king.

"Stand up boy", he said in a cold tone.

I stood up abruptly a bit worried as to why he had become so serious.

"Are you sure he's not your bastard Daemon?", said Viserys and my eyes widened and so did everyone else's. For a minute there was pin-drop silence and the laughter of Viserys boomed through the courtyard and everyone started laughing albeit nervously.

"But on a serious note, I as well as my family are very grateful that you were able to avenge the death of my good-son death. He was a faithful husband as well as a good father. May the seven give rest to his soul."

It took my whole willpower to not laugh. Gods this fucker was dense as a rock. I could see the hints of a smirk on Daemon's face as well but he schooled his features well.

"I did my duty, my king. It is not an achievement that I am proud of. There are times when I wonder if only I was able to save Ser Laenor. It is a regret that I will never be able to forget your grace.", I said in a somber tone.

Viserys looked shocked and so did the others seeing such humility. Gods I was a good actor.

"I am sure that you will grow up to be one of the finest knights in the seven kingdoms Ulf. Am I not right Ser Criston?", said Viserys.

It was then that I saw the "Kingmaker" come from behind the queen. Criston Cole, the man who was one of the biggest anti-rhaenrya supporters If there ever was one.

"True humility is seldom found in someone so young, your grace.", he answered dutifully.

"I trust that I will find you in the courtyard?", he asked.

"You will, ser Criston. I wish to test my mettle against a knight of your caliber."

After our exchange, the king went with Corlys and Alicent followed him. I saw Rhaenyra exchanging furious glances with her and boy did I want to see a catfight happen between the two women.

It was decided that the funeral of Ser Gaynor would happen tomorrow at noon so I made my way toward my room so that I could change back into my training leathers.

"Ulf could you take the prince and princesses to their rooms", asked Rhaenys and I nodded my head.

As I started guiding them toward their rooms, princess Heleana came next to me and kept sneaking glances at me.

"So can you even fight to save yourself or are you more interested in dressing up like a girl", came the voice of Aegon who seemed irritated at me for some reason.

"Of course, he can. I bet that he can defeat you too", said Rhaena surprising both me and Baela, since I had never heard her be this open with anybody.

"So how about a duel between you and Ulf? I am pretty sure that he can defeat you easily", said Baela in a haughty tone.

"Oh can he now", said Aegon who looked at me with anger.

"I accept", he said with a tone that booked no argument.

"We will meet you at the training yard in an hour's time", said Aemond before leaving with Aegon to most probably find Criston Cole.

"I am sorry for my brother's behavior", came the soft voice of Heleana.

"It is not your fault princess", I said.

"And you can call me Ulf If you want to princess", I said while giving my dashing smile.

She looked a bit embarrassed before uttering my name after which she ran towards where her brothers had gone while giggling away to glory.

Gods what I had gotten myself into.

Then suddenly I felt a sharp kick on my shin and I saw Rhaena fuming at me before she went running to her own room.

"You are so dumb Ulf", came Baela's response before she too ran behind her sister.

Then as I started walking towards my room to change I wondered how I had gotten myself into this mess. If there was a god in this world I bet that he would be laughing his ass off at my expense.
