
Chapter 12: Reactions

I really must think these things through cuz this shit ain't goanna cut it anymore.

Let's recap, shall we?

I woke up this morning at Might Tower bright eyed and bushy tailed to head out and patrol with All Might for a couple of hours and then come back and resume training.

What I didn't expect to happen today was the fucking internet to literally explode!

Absolutely every news outlet in this country is covering this story and pictures of mine and All Might's face are everywhere. Pictures of me and All Might flying through the air, All Might cheering me on as I punch villains in the face and return purses to old ladies are making rounds though every social networking site, more so because l'm the first intern All Might has had, ever.

Even worse, every conspiracy theorist in the world has popped out of the woodwork spouting theories, their spin on theories and debunking theories and other shenanigans. I mean, this is just unreal. Everyone has their own ideas of who and what I am and that ranged from government experiment gone wrong, government experiment gone right and the most twisted of it all, that I'm All Might's illegitimate son or some variation on that theory. Even Izuku isn't free of scrutiny.

Thankfully we already submitted his quirk as

'hyper power' and said that it was a stockpile of the same energy I use that happened to not show up in childhood and it was now bursting with so much energy that it hurts him to use it. This neatly explained away his previous quirkless status and his sudden gaining of One For All as well as any injuries he may receive when using the power.

I just realized something. When Izuku's going to have his Sport Festival he's going to have to use his strength and parallels will be drawn between his and All Might's power and with me in the picture that will be seen as confirmation of the Dad Might theory.

God dammit and fuck the media.

Endeavour was quietly brooding in office while looking at the news. Fuck All Might and fuck him for not thinking about this possibility. It was obvious that the boy was All Might's son. Sure, he may not look like it, but that power was too great to be anything but All Might's genes at work.

Although it was somewhat odd for the boy to have so many abilities, but his quirk was registered as

'energy manipulation' and while it was deliberately vague it did match what he knew about All Might's quirk. The elemental part of the quirk was a bit weird, but that might just be a mutation that occurred in him.

As he thought more about it, Endeavour only grew angrier. The boy was powerful, no doubt, but he was also very smart, possibly taught by David Shield himself and judging from his academic performances that was looking highly likely. He was the same age as his greatest creation, Shoto but Madara completely eclipsed him in both power and intelligence and that made Endeavour truly angry. The only consolation to this was that the younger twin brother of that boy was lacking compared to his sibling. Lower intelligence and dangerous defective power, he was just waste that they kept around for the sake of the media. Still just how All Might managed to hide his spawn

Endeavour would never know but he had to make Shoto use his power and soon. That Madara was already a year ahead of him and Endeavour knew he won't stop growing. Once more Endeavour cursed himself for not allowing Shoto to take the recommended exam this year.

In a darkened room sat a man with tubes connecting to his face to keep him alive. He was watching the news with a pensive expression on his face. This was unexpected.

"Master" came a raspy voice from one of the screen's speakers

"Yes, Tomura?"

"Did you see the news, master? That All Might, he's making a successor!"


The man wore a pensive expression on his face.

This situation was truly unexpected. He supposed that All Might was truly making a successor, but one this skilled? Such display of martial prowess takes decades to learn and that would mean that the boy had been in training since early his childhood. Training that would be particularly harsh. This did not fit All Might's style at all.

"We must strike now, master before he gains more rep points"

"No, Tomura. We must wait. The Nomu isn't yet ready and the heroes are cautious. That boy and his family will be protected. You will get your chance for revenge, Tomura"

That seemed to mollify the other and the conversation was terminated.

The man stood in silence as he contemplated this new development. That child was special, no doubt about it and for once in a long, long while the man known as All For One was surprised. Still, it won't be long before All Might passes on One For All to his true successor and he can finally put his plan into action and bring down the man that destroyed him. He will have his revenge.

In another dark room a thin man in a light grey suit was replaying one of the videos caught during that day about All Might. On another screen was the first page of a news outlet with the title 'All Might's Heir: Pillar of Strength'.

For the first time in a long while, Mirai Sasaki also known as Sir Nighteye in the Pro Hero community was at a loss. A couple of months ago All Might had called him to tell him that he had found a successor in a quirkless middle school student. It was unthinkable to Sir Nighteye that a middle schooler could possibly succeed All Might as the Symbol of Peace. Furthermore, he already had his eye on a UA student with a suitable quirk and the right kind of personality to succeed All Might. He even invited him to be his intern in order to teach him how to use his quirk better. Permeation was a valuable quirk that would have aided All Might in his fight with All For One.

Then came another surprise. Madara Midoriya's speech at the Sport Festival. No one had ever announced their desire to be a symbol, or in his case a pillar. What's more that boy had crushed all his competitors at the sport festival in an impressive display of power. Could he be the one All Might had spoken about? No, he couldn't be, his powers were too diverse, and he had a quirk since childhood. Dread came over Nighteye. What if he's an offspring of All for One? But if that was the case then why did All Might take him on as his first intern ever, giving rise to rumors about the two. Even the way they acted made them seem to be close and they weren't doing anything to quell or dispel the rumors.

Nighteye needed more information and he needed advice

"Hello, Gran Torino-san. Have you seen the news lately?"

"I see. I'll pick you up later today"

All Might was tired. He still had to do his paperwork.

It was just the second day of young Madara's internship, and he was beginning to see just how exhausting it was to be a mentor for such an event. Previously he hadn't taken an intern because he was too busy and then his injury got in the way, but Madara was a special case, even more so than his brother, young Izuku. His desire to be the Pillar of Strength came from a logical standpoint that was correct if a bit arrogant.

Madara truly was the only one alive capable of competing with the bearers of One For All and All For One. No other human alive was that potentially powerful and no other quirk had the sheer versatility that chakra possessed.

All Might had seen a snippet of Madara's power and prowess the day before and more today.

There were few situations where young Madara was useless and those were quickly becoming scares as he developed new techniques to deal with them in the future. Even a mere two days have drastically improved Madara's effectiveness in the field and should such progress continue, All Might was sure that young Madara would be ready to take the final exam at the end of the year and graduate from UA, thusly becoming the youngest pro-hero in history at just 15.

Were it any other child, All Might would have protested it, but he had the feeling that Madara was much older than his body made him to be.

Even so, he looked to be older than 14. There were none of the boyish traits that were found in his brother.

Still it galled All Might that Madara was sorely needed.

All Might was stubborn, but even he could see the writing on the wall. His power was decreasing rapidly, and it would be years before young Izuku was truly ready to take off as his own hero. As Madara himself had said it, he was the best shot the world had at a peaceful transition between eras.

And now he had to deal with his mentor and former sidekick.


There was a knock on the door.

"Come in" said All Might

Two people walked into his office. Sir Nighteye, his former sidekick and Gran Torino, the friend of his master and mentor.

"Toshinori, you're even more decrepit than last time I saw you" greeted Gran Torino gruffly

All Might paid no mind to his insult. He was used to his mentor's sharp tongue.

"All Might, we would like to discuss something about your intern" said Sir Nighteye

"Please, sit. What do you want to know" said All Might

"Firstly, we would like access to his records. His powers are too diverse to be the product of a single quirk" said Nighteye

All Might narrowed his eyes. So, this is was they were thinking. He somewhat expected it as he himself had once asked the same question.

"He isn't that man's spawn if you were asking. know because I checked"

That seemed to surprise them.

"Then are you sure that he didn't develop that quirk naturally, maybe he has some connection with One For All" asked Gran Torino

"It really isn't my place to tell. If you meet with him, I'm sure that he could decide if he wants to tell you himself" said All Might

"You're putting an awful lot of faith into that child" said Gran Torino

"Indeed, All Might, this is careless. He's just a boy what secret would he have that would require him to not trust adults with it?" said Nighteye

"The kind that doesn't concern you, Mirai Sasaki" said a voice from the ceiling

All Might along with the other two looked up at the intruder into their meeting. Madara was casually standing on the ceiling like it was normal. The bigger question in All Might's mind was how he avoided their senses, after all they were still pro heroes.

"Huh,so you're the kid? You don't look like much" said Gran Torino

"I could say the same for you, old man, but we both know that would be false" said Madara as his eyes bled red and his Sharingan activated

Gran Torino grinned at the kid as he held his

Sharingan gaze. All Might, for all his power could never truly resist looking straight into those eyes for long. Those were powerful eyes and their wielder made careful use of them.

"Madara Midorya, we would like to ask you some questions" said Nighteye as he fixed his glasses on his nose

"Oh?" said Madara cocking his head to the side

"What about then?"

"About your connection with All For One and your quirk that allows you to use such varied abilities" said Nighteye

Madara stayed silent for a moment before he started to fall from the ceiling and flipped around to land on his feet.

"I have no connection with All For One. In fact, I only learned his name a month ago. And as for my quirk, well, I don't trust you enough to tell you" said Madara

Nighteye looked like he swallowed a particularly

said madara

"Why would you say that kid? All Might trusted us enough to tell us about One For All' said Gran Torino being genuinely curious

"You were best friends with the previous One For All and Sir Nighteye has been personally trained and fought by All Might's side for years. I am not All Might" said Madara

"And yet you still want to replace him" cut in


They fell silent.

So, this was what they were getting at. All Might understood. For all his coldness Nighteye was a fanboy that could rival young Izuku in his fanaticism and while he had advocated for All Might's retirement in the past that was more so he could preserve the once great All Might. In a way Nighteye had taken to the same point of view as the world's civilians when he looked at All Might.

Seeing All Might, the Symbol of Peace being replaced by anything, but a carbon copy was probably galling Nighteye. Still All Might understood his own folly in creating the Symbol of Peace. No one could be a god and, in a way, that is exactly what All Might was in the eyes of the public, even if they did not realize it. Toshinori Yagi was just a man and he couldn't keep up the image of the invincible Symbol of Peace anymore. That was why Madara was needed to take away the burden that rested upon All Might's shoulders and be the pillar that supported society.

Even so, All Might knew that it was a stopgap measure and he didn't doubt the fact that Madara knew it too. It was the best they could do until someone came up with a solution to their problem.

"I wouldn't call it replacing him, after all no man can truly replace All Might" said Madara giving voice to his thoughts.

They were all silent for a moment.

"Hm, you are different than Nana and Toshinori" said Gran Torino

"Are you saying that as if it's a bad thing?" Madara asked

Gran Torino laughed

"Hell, no. I'm curious to see where you go from here"

A/N y'all are getting two chapters today
