
Chapter 47: Challenge

Brynn tore her eyes from William, bound and gagged in the center of the gathering crowd, to look back at Cedric. She swallowed heavily as her body trembled in anticipation of the horror to come.

Cedric nodded solemnly at her.

“Reject the bond. Say the words out loud. Mean them.” His lips barely moved as his low, gravelly voice reached Brynn. These words were meant only for her. “You’ll feel it when it happens. Then, tell them all what you’ve done. Clearly. Tell them you’ve sworn yourself to me. Then I’ll step in and hand down the sentence. You don’t have to watch, but you do have to stay.”

Brynn closed her eyes as she took a deep, steadying breath. Her chin quivered as her already pallid cheeks somehow lost even more color. She forced herself to look at Cedric again, to show him her strength, knowing it was what he valued above all else.

Gingerly, she touched the silver cord still wrapped tightly around her neck.
