
I will love you until the flowers in your heart wither and your lips don't want to recite my name.

"The fruit of the past is the tears and blood of warriors covered in dishonor, darkness will take Valhalla and the rotten-hearted witch will fight not to drown in wails... The nightmare will come true when the witch does not know how to differentiate traces of reason in the midst of her madness and thus Ragnarok will begin after the sound of the trumpet..."

Hela could feel her heart stop and suddenly she opened her eyes.

Completely lost in her senses, she didn't know where she was, until she finally understood that she was home and with her was Ina.

That had all been an illusion in the midst of dreams and nightmares... A prophecy.

Hela kept panting and it took her time to finally calm down.

Ina, who couldn't take her eyes off her wife, used her third eye to make sure everything was fine... It had been at least five hours since Hela had been brought by Loki completely unconscious while hallucinating.

And though Loki tried to be cordial and reassuring, Ina couldn't feel better until she saw Hela finally open her eyes and act as usual.

Something that took a long time to happen.

Ina gently caressed her wife's strands and the previously lost gaze gradually gained focus and strength.

Hela was still gripped by the images she had seen and gently touched the exposed skin of her chest and a scar was now showing where her heart used to be.

She could feel that there wasn't the usual heartbeat or even heat running through her veins.

There was no more life in her body.

"Who brought me?"

Ina touched Hela's face and smiled, finally feeling relieved to see that her wife was coming to her senses. "Your father… He said everything went as expected."

Hela sighed in relief and touched her wife's cheek. "I changed a lot?"

Hela was aware that Ina had been staring at her for some time with her third eye and a feeling of insecurity rose in her mind.

Could Hela have drastically changed to the point of scaring Ina?!

Ina finally let go and lay down next to Hela on the bed.

The two looked and studied each other.

Ina brought her face close to her wife's and lightly caressed her cheek. "You will always be beautiful in my eyes..."

Hela smiled, feeling shy, but sighed happily nonetheless.

She felt completely exhausted.

The light touch on her face made her feel more and more sleepy until finally she managed to fall asleep and sleep peacefully.

Ina noticing her wife's deep sleep continued to caress her, remaining that way for a long time.

Hela's face was as calm and beautiful as ever, but there was a coldness that Ina wasn't used to.

After ensuring that Hela wouldn't wake up so early, Ina gently got up from the bed and walked softly to the kitchen.

Hermes stayed all that time with Ina and it was really scary to see Hela arriving unconscious and being carried by someone else.

Especially when that person was Loki.

Hela is a strong and very underestimated goddess, everyone just seemed to notice Hades' acidic and dominant personality, but they forgot about Hela who kept quiet and fair in the depths of her kingdom.

Hermes watched Ina's slow steps and smiled.

Ina's face was much smoother than before and that made him more relieved.

"She's fine... It should just take a few hours for her body to get used to being without a heart part."

Ina sat down in a chair next to Hermes and sighed, that worried her a lot, but she couldn't do much.

"Do you want to stay here longer?"

Hermes asked feeling complicated.

After all, Hela wasn't in good shape and Ina couldn't spend much time on divine soil without suffering the consequences of time.

She sighed a little tiredly. "I already prepared the house and work for Hela... Do you want something?"

Ina remained silent, she didn't know exactly what to think, but she shouldn't leave all those questions for Hela to solve.

She took a deep breath and Hermes quickly saw the gray eyes turn red.

It was the first time Ina had looked at Hermes with her third eye.

Ina had gotten used to the feeling of using her third eye and she had a feeling in her heart that Hermes was someone to be trusted... She simply should have faith.

She looked at Hermes and smiled.

Hermes was literally a strong walking golden light and it meant justice and goodness.

Ina was not innocent in thinking that Hermes was perfect, humans were the image of the gods and this reflected in all their similarities, be they qualities or defects.

Hermes could act in bad faith at many times, but his essence was naturally kind and that exuded in her aura.

In addition to the strong golden light, it was also possible to see a pair of wings attached to Hermes' back, but curiously they didn't really exist.

Ina felt funny, no wonder Hermes was so fond of winged objects.

He was, after all, a walking winged object.

Hermes smiled, feeling curious and anxious, he couldn't even imagine what Ina was seeing.

Ina smiled and poured herself some water and quickly took a small sip.

"You seem like a good person, Hermes… Don't be nervous."

Hermes smiled in relief and snapped his fingers making a glass of wine appear in his hands. "I was just worried if I look good..."

Ina couldn't hold back her laughter and nodded. "You look good, don't worry..."

Ina finally seemed calmer and in a better mood.

Life should follow its course, after all her wife was sleeping peacefully and they weren't facing any great danger.

"Hermes, set up a flower shop, it would be nice to have something to do when Hela isn't around..."

Hermes smiled and quickly agreed, that was very easy to do.

"... There are a few hours left for Hela's deadline to end, let's stick to the schedule and go to the new house in the expected time frame."

Hermes listened intently to Ina, but he was wary of doing anything with a sleeping Hela.

"Hela will be fine, don't worry."

Hermes didn't hide his surprised expression, after all it was as if Ina could read her thoughts.

But in a way she really could.

Ina with her third eye could foresee sensations and understand feelings.

In addition to seeing the appearance of the world, she could understand the essence of it.

Hermes' aura changed from a beautiful gold to a light rusty hue when he was anxious and became brighter when he was happy.

Ina could read between the lines easily.

The silence between the two of them was peaceful and there wasn't any kind of discomfort.

Ina was steadfast in her thoughts... Mainly the image of Hela asleep on the bed.

Hela was still beautiful, full of flowers and colors, but there was not as much brightness as before.

Hela's heart was what connected her with the living and the dead and Ina's main concern was that her wife would suffer from this process.

Hela was full of feelings, what could happen to her?! Would she stop being in such a way?!

Everything seemed so unpredictable and scary.

Ina feared losing the woman she loved right before her eyes and that scared her more than the certainty of her own death.

Hermes looked at his watch and sighed, it was time to use the time in his favor.

He pressed one of the small buttons and quickly the hands moved.

Time was accelerated and he could simply watch the future unfold before his eyes.

Ina took turns between the bedroom and the kitchen for several hours, anxious and worried.

He crossed his arms and sighed, Ina still had many difficult days ahead.

In a few moments he heard the sound of the pointer stop, the time had finally arrived.

Hermes got up energetically and Ina was startled by Hermes' sudden movement.

"What's it?"

Hermes smiled a little guiltily, he had really scared Ina. "Let's go to the new house! It's time for a change!"

Ina smiled and nodded, that sounded good.

Next chapter begins the saga of Ina and Hela in London. The search for the holy grail begins. Creation is hard, cheer me up!

moonssidecreators' thoughts