

Two days passed by quickly, the entire time Trunks and Violet roamed around capsule corporation, he was taking in the intact buildings and happy people, and more importantly, spending quality time with his mother.

Raditz and Bulma themselves were working tirelessly on the time machine, reverse engineering the entire thing from the clues left by future Bulma.

And the last of the group, Pie pie was swimming in a large pool like bathtub, the massive thing was indeed a bathtub and not a pool, because this structure was built inside a 'bathroom'.

A bathroom so big that it might as well be an entire hotel floor, and this was just one room in a private entertainment area of capsule corporation.


Taking her head out of the water Pie pie fixed her hair and sighed.

Swimming in real water always helped her relax, and god she needed to relax after all this tension.

"I really hope everything turns out okay."

"I am supposed to kill him by now.. but I feel fine, that boy must be a liar-"




The sudden buzzing sensation from her wrist had Pie pie's eyes shrink.

Her blood instantly ran cold after that, because this was coming from a device each one of them had strapped to themselves.

And a buzz on it meant only one thing.

'Someone broke in..!!'

Pie pie's heart was beating rapidly, but her first thought was swimming towards her daughter, who was sleeping in her own small tub of water.

"Umm..? Mama.."

Gine woke up from the temperature difference as she was quickly taken out of the water, she mumbled a few words before freezing up and silently sticking to her mom.

Pie pie could feel her daughter trembling against her chest, she didn't know if this was because she, her mom was scared or Gine had sensed something she didn't.

Swimming to the middle of the pool Pie pie hugged Gine and raised her head, she was searching around the room for the thing that broke in.

"Dammit, why is this place so big but it doesn't even have a cave system."

Pie pie cursed Bulma's house, she preferred the wild oceans much more than this, at least she could have escaped there.

Now she was stuck waiting for her and her daughter's demise!.

Why trap themselves in one luxurious box if one break in meant no chance of escape! Stupid humans, especially stupid Bulma.


The door to the 'bathroom' suddenly slid open and Pie pie's fist tightened in fear.

Someone was here.


But with the very next look her rapidly beating heart settled down in place.

"Raditz! Why are you here?? I felt the vibration going off, why didn't you disable the system?"

Raditz looked confused for a split second but smiled and started walking over to Pie pie.

"The system..? Oh yes, I was trying to check if it works correctly or not, if there are any bugs I have to fix."

Pie pie breathed a sigh of relief as she watched Raditz slowly make his way towards them.

"You won't believe how scared I was, see, even Gine is shaking."

Looking at her still terrified daughter Pie pie attempted to console her.

"It's okay Gine, it's just daddy-"


By now Gine had started to tear up and was beginning to struggle, Pie pie didn't understand what had happened to her daughter.

They were fine, it was a false alarm.

Looking up from her daughter she tried to ask her husband what was wrong with their daughter.


But finding Raditz who was silently floating behind her Pie pie let out a started scream.

Then she sighed and patted her chest with relief, she almost got a heart attack.

"Don't scare me like that!"

Raditz smirked and spoke with a large smile on his face.

"Sorry about that."

Huffing in mock anger as her husband obviously wasn't sorry and was just pulling her tail, Pie pie turned around and began swimming towards the edge of the pool.

She wanted to keep Gine back into her little pool but Gine started crying loudly and was struggling intensively right now.

So much so that Pie pie was having a hard time keeping her in control.

"Gine what is wrong with you honey!"


Gine was desparately trying to shake herself out of Pie pie's grip, even her hair had begun to float and a thin layer of ki was starting to burst out of her small body.


Pie pie cried out in pain as Gine had finally gotten out of her grip forcefully and tackled her into the water, both of them falling towards the side.

Just when Pie pie wanted to scold Gine for misbehaving.


A large amount of water splashed at the position she was just at, although there was water all over the air, Pie pie's natural senses let her see through it.

And she saw something which made her eyes go wide.


Asked Pie pie with confusion and hurt, because it was Raditz who had just attacked the place she was at a moment ago.

Gine's tantrum had somehow shifted her from her previous position and his attack fell on the water, the large amount of splashing water told Pie pie clearly, if this had hit her she would have been dead.

Raditz himself slowly turned towards her and didn't seem to mind his missed shot too much, but by now he had shifted his attention towards the crying Gine, who was still attempting to pull her mother away.

"Nice reflexes."

Commented Raditz with an eerie smile.

Looking at Raditz's killing intention shifting towards their daughter Pie pie finally began to realise something was wrong.

"No..! Get back..!"

Smiling widely, Raditz once again began slowly making his way towards them.

"Why Pie pie..? I am just playing around, I wouldn't have hurt you.. it was a joke-"


A solid tail smack on the water before him had Raditz pause, but his smile never left his face.

"You aren't Raditz!"

Picking up her daughter Pie pie glared at the lookalike and raised her nails up, hissing sounds escaped her throat as her predator instincts started to kick in.

"Get out now! Or I'll kill you!"



"Me dying.. I wonder about that."

'Raditz's' sudden laughter didn't please Pie pie, nor did the way this thing just licked it's lips.

Her confidence was wavering, the licking of lips reminded her of how she had supposedly killed Raditz in the future and left after licking her lips.

This was something neither her nor Raditz did, if she had any suspicion before this, she didn't have it anymore.

'This thing is not Raditz.'

Watching the floating Raditz almost fearlessly coming in her range Pie pie attacked with her full 110 power, all concentrate in her nails.


But 'Raditz* caught her hand with ease and looked at her nails with narrow eyes.

"The sharpest biological material, fancy, but you aren't the only one."

"Thanks to you, I have it too!"

Raising his other hand 'Raditz' showed it to Pie pie, it had sharp green nails now visible in place of the previous normal ones.

Pie pie had a bad feeling about this, this creature's words had a kind of pride to it, he felt like a creature who almost considered himself.. Perfect?

She was against a total lunatic.

Advanced chapters ahead on patréon

