

Of course the base where Grayson built up his powers didn't go that far into the forest, it was still on the outskirts, but because the forest itself was too big, so even the outskirts were so vast that it took Arthur and the others a long time to travel.

Plus, the nuisances here are more than just tree branches blocking the way, but various wild beasts.

There are quite a few bears that climb the trees to the top and they are bigger than the average bear, in fact, there are quite a few that are twice as big as humans.

Despite sensing the aura of Arthur and the others, the bears were not entirely afraid.

They made threatening gestures at them and when they returned the gestures, they jumped up and lunged at them.

The fight was not always avoidable, but fortunately they were not human.

They can easily defeat any beasts that come their way.

An hour later, they finally arrived at their destination.
