
Auction, Part 1

The orders ready pretty quickly. Arthur had ordered a jumbo bowl of ramen with five separate pieces of meat.

The smell turned out to be quite strong, making him even more hungry. After sending the waiter away, he started to eat.

Even Amanda looked so eager to eat that she purposely sipped her ramen broth, producing a sound that would normally bother people but when they saw that the voice came from a classy beauty, they all thought it was a beautiful voice.

"This is delicious," Amanda said, smiling slightly.

Unfortunately, her smile quickly faded as she saw the figure that had appeared behind Arthur.

Who else if not Rose.

"Boss!" She whispered beside Arthur's ear.

"Did you find anything?" asked Arthur.

Of course, Rose and the others weren't just lounging around waiting for Arthur and Amanda.

From evening until now, they have been conducting surveillance throughout the city including the airport to find out who will be their enemy.
