
25 Dates With You

A contract of 25 dates is the outcome of a steamy debate between Emily and the rich Julian. While Emily just wants to date around and see where things lead, Julian knows exactly what it is he wants, and that is to marry her. And he is not taking no for an answer. Being a lone wolf, that weekly travels around the world, Julian’s older sister thinks he is in need of something more steady in his life. He did not agree right away, but when he laid eyes on her, there was nothing stopping him from making her the cherry on his cake. Only, Julian’s sister hasn’t been entirely honest with him, and held back vital information. Will that piece of information stop them from falling in love? Or is there love a force of nature, unable to be stopped by any means...

Deborah_Pruijmboom · 都市
13 Chs

Pineapple and christmas spice

Well, I still saw thatsexy grin of his, so his attempt to hide his smile failed. "Alright," he gave in, and his laughter broke through boomingly, filling the air. "I will stop my investigation on you. After all, that research has already been completed," he said playfully.

When Julian saw that he made me angry again, he came closer. As a response, my breathing became heavier. What was he doing?

We were almost touching again and I found myself leaning in to come closer. Gods he smelled delicious. He smelled like pineapple and Christmas spice. He was so close, I could easily find my way to his hair. I clamped my hands on my lap, to make sure I wouldn't do something stupid.

"That dent in your cheeks is really incredibly...." Julian smiled without finishing his sentence, and let his index finger slide over my left cheek. It felt like I was on fire while he held my gaze.

Then Julian touched the tip of my nose and scraped his throat. "Sorry, I was distracted for a moment," he mumbled explaining the course of his actions.

For a moment it was quiet, while we shared a glance. There was a strange familiarity in his etes. I didn't know this madman, but there was a pull that I could not explain.

"You were making me promises that you would stop doing certain things," I reminded him tauntingly.

Julian laughs softly. "Right," he murmured. God, I wanted to touch the strands of his hair, messing it up. Would he never have that urge himself?

"I promise that I will not start talking about marriage until we have dated for six months," he solemnly promised. "That will roughly come down to…. 25 dates," he stated with a tempting, but calculated smile.

"But... " he added, and looked at me penetratingly. "Honey, I have little time," he wispered very seriously.

"My schedule is tight and I organize every free minute efficiently." For a moment it was quiet. I recognized his problem a bit, with my several jobs, obtaining a master's degree and keeping three children and a cat alive. "Okay," I said understanding where he was coming from.

"So," I insisted. I understood that he was busy when he said that he had different companies, but what did that have to do with getting married. "So, cherry of mine... " he said sweetly.

"I'm not your cherry," I reminded him. The corner of his lip curled up to the right and a smile appeared on his face again.

"You're not my cherry, yet," he teasingly said, emphasizing on the word "yet." I shook my head. Jeez… "Your point," I reminded him, as he wandered off again.

"I don't have time for games," he said with a more serious look now. "I don't have time to date around and see how it goes and where it ends up." I didn't know how to answer this, so I decided not to say anything.

Julian took a sip of his coffee and I saw that, while he was swallowing, he remembered that it was actually already cold. He put his cup back and looked at me. "So, you want to..." I started to say, to make chocolate out of his story.

"Commitment," he added to me firmly. No idea where it came from, but suddenly I started to laugh nervously. Here I was, on a first date. "You want commitment," I laughed without humor. I put my hand in front of my mouth and looked at him.

Okay, I would go along with his train of thought. "And what would that 'commitment' look like to you," I asked him, as I would of asked a client of mine to find out his need.

"You just said you've been dating for the past few weeks, right?" I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. "Yes, okay. That's right," I admitted, not knowing where he wanted to go with this story.

"With several men at the same time," he asked me. I nodded 'yes'. "When is your next date with someone other than me scheduled?" I bit my lips, now that I was starting to feel what his next point was going to be.

"The day after tomorrow," I said in a somewhat smaller voice. His eyes squeezed into slits. He didn't seem to like my answer very much.

"I want commitment," Julian said again. "Commitment that we enter into the next six months together, fully committed to get to know each other sincerely, and to discover whether there is a future for us," he almost commanded with burning eyes. "Without others, exclusively," he added claiming me.

"I have just know you for three quarters of an hour Julian, how am I supposed to know if I want all that," I argued and threw my hands in the air.

"I mean... seriously," I grumbled. It is quiet for a moment and he did not answer. Julian only looked at me and the silence continued.

I looked around and I saw that our conversation was not very private. I could see that about six tables of people were breathlessly listing to us. For a moment my gaze crossed a lady who was almost on the edge of her seat, as if she was watching an exciting soap opera.

My cheeks were turning red, I think. No, I was sure, because I felt that my face was completely on fire.

And then I suddenly realized, "you want an answer NOW," I blurted out, with wide eyes. Julian studied my face for a while and then nodded.

For all that is sacred.... "I can't do that," I declared. "I mean... if you didn't say all those strange things, I really would have wanted to see you again. But to give you commitment for half a year... I mean now.. " I squeaked.

Julian adjusted his posture and sat a bit straighter. He had been leaning into me all this time. "I understand," he offered unconvincingly. "We can agree that, although I normally never date aimlessly, we go on a first date together, and postpone a decision to the end of that date."

"Don't look at me like that," he said with humor in his voice. "No cherry, this is not our first date. This is just an introduction," he announced with a crooked grin, and involuntarily I melted completely.

"That must be a very good date then," I said skeptical, with humor in my voice. "Mhh..." he mumbled with confidence.

"I'll pick you up on saturday at 10:00 a.m," he informed me in a businesslike manner.

"What are we going to do," I asked him. Would I really go? "Because then I'd rather come there myself," I stubbornly let him know. I didn't want to give him my address, but my guess was that he already had it anyway. He shook his head while chuckling.

"You don't have a driver's license, so I think it's better that I pick you up," he said. I wasn't going to ask how he knew that I didn't have a driver's license.

"There will only be a second date if I can get there myself," I let him know that this was my condition. "Our first date," he corrected me with a wink and I almost fell off my chair.

Suddenly the woman with brown long hair was at our table. She wore a red short dress and almost threw her breasts in Julian's face.

"I don't know you, but I dare to spend that six months with you," she said charmingly. Her blue eyes were completely focused on him, as if she wanted to devour him. I didn't know him either, but I still didn't like the fact that she made it so clear that she wanted him.

"I'm Nadia," she introduced herself, by holding out her hand. Julian looked at me and then at her.

He took her hand and shook it. "My name is Julian," he replied to her, "and this is my future wife, Emilie," he added with dancing eyes and waved at me.