
Chapter 49: Take turns slowly!

As if understanding what's about to happen, Aurora pulls away, and four more tongues lick up my cock, all five of the girls who were on my dick happily taking their shares of a massive load that vacates them all with the streaks of a hot, lovely facial mask to enjoy.

My hips twist, and my cock simply won't stop twitching as I feel the heights of winding pleasure do things to my cock that I really weren't ready for. 

This is all new sorts of amazing lows, and I love every second of it.

A lesser man may have decided that having his cock adored by eleven women at once is the kind of delight that earns a break, or maybe a trip home, deciding that I can't possibly top up the experiences and indulgences that I have  just reached new heights of. 

That I have done all I can today to live like a Roman emperor—one of the fun ones. But if I were a lesser man, I wouldn't have this writhing princess cosplayer harem to begin with, and so I keep the pleasure going on. 
