
(XCIV) Paradise Falls

Paradise Falls was a massive metropolis that had been built on top of an ancient and forgotten city deep within the murky waters of the Withermarshes. It was built over the swampy water, next to a twenty-foot waterfall to more swamplands below.

The Withermarshes were a harsh place where only the strong would be able to live without fearing for their lives at all times from predators or other dangers lurking about every corner. The entire swamp held countless dangerous creatures.

The inhabitants lived in constant terror as they tried not to get eaten by any one creature while trying desperately just to survive each day. This made life difficult and kept people constantly alert, which helped them stay alive longer than most others who weren't so lucky.

Paradise Falls was cramped, as space on the platform was limited, the streets were narrow, and the buildings were tall as they could only build vertically.
