
Reluctant Bonding

Aethisia PoV

Letting out a shout again, I pumped even more of my cum into Mother's tight, clinging pussy, the two of us having sex inside of one of the many empty rooms of the basement that just so happened to always have some kind of furniture that was perfect for sex.

My balls were slowly getting to the point of aching as I dumped another fat load inside this convenient pussy that was always ready to be fucked, and my frustrations were ejected alongside my cum as I gave in to that euphoria that came with breeding.

I was still pissed that Kalia had been reduced to a rather pitiful, unconscious mess before being tossed aside like some third rate whore who had fulfilled her purpose, but like Mother had said, there was little to really be angry about.

I mean, was I angry at Aunt Sari for 'raping' Mother and making her unable to walk that next morning, even with her incredible healing factor that only seemed to grow with the sex she had?

No, I wasn't, so clearly my issue lay with who was doing the fucking... or maybe it was who was being fucked.

Even as I remained balls deep inside some of, if not the best pussy in existence, my mind drifted to the premium piece of ass that was Kalia; a piece of ass that came with an equally premium personality that made my little sister all the more adorable and sexy.

Was I angry that Inik was treating Kalia like that, or was I angry that Kalia was letting someone treat her like that?

Sure, whenever I had sex with her before this Hawkkin came into the picture, I did tend to act just like Dama did; I provided my partners pleasure in the fact that my penis was large, my strokes were excellent, and my stamina as high.

Otherwise, I was probably not the greatest in bed on the other fronts, so my 'prowess' came from being able to pound a pussy or an ass to orgasm well before I myself ejaculated, which meant that my partners were forced to endure long stints of relentless sex before I satisfied myself by reaching a 2:1 ratio.

They cum twice to every ejaculation I had, which was... agreeable, I'm sure, but... was it what they wanted?

Apparently Kalia wanted to be fucked harder than I had been fucking her, and apparently she was more than willing to be treated like that... which did make me a little angry since she was 'suffering' after the fact, and also because she was being treated terribly.

Inik put the idea in her mind though, and then there was the fact that my little sister was being taken from me despite having always been mine for as long as she was capable of making that choice... I had always been her primary partner, after all!

Putting even more power into my thrusts, I grabbed at Mother's ass and pounded her as hard as I could, making her squirt onto the bed below and allowing me to release the last of my anger as I came inside her once more, riding her into her temporary state of unconsciousness as I emptied my balls completely.

I got a thrill from watching my cock bounce out of her pussy, and the memories of that exact scene but with a grey pair of labia caked in sperm while small pink hairs crowned that sublime pussy drew a groan from my lips as I felt the need to go back to Kalia.

However, as I left Mother there on that bed, unconscious and leaking cum, I cleaned myself and got dressed as I headed upstairs, going towards the field outside of our house and instantly finding the Hawkkin standing in the sandpit made for training.

In her hand was a blue scimitar that Mother must have made for her, and a small - very tiny, minuscule, and insignificant - part of me felt jealous, though I knew I was going to get my own unique weapon soon enough.

Spinning it around and going through some basic practice swings, the Hawkkin eventually turned back towards me and gave me that aggravating lazy smile as she said "Ah, here comes the totally not awkward 'socialite' who sparks up conversations while she shares a woman with another futanari~!"

I just glared at her for that, though she seemed unperturbed as she instead asked "I'm guessing you're here because you saw the state I left Kalia in? Well, your Mama and I left her; we did quite the number on her pussy~! Next time I'm feeling generous, we can share MY woman and fuck her together, alright?"

Not falling for the obvious goad, I took a deep breath and instead asked her "Why are you up here and not with her?", to which the Hawkkin actually seemed rather surprised, both by me not getting upset at her provocation and by the question itself.

"Why..? I... can't really tell you. You want an actual answer though, don't you? Something tangible... Fine. I guess... the whole relationship thing, me eventually marrying your sister and raising a kid with her. It just... doesn't feel real yet. The sex is immaculate, the cuddling and flirting is immaculate, but when I finish and am left empty..."

Trailing off, she looked away from me, giving me the perfect opportunity to slam my fist across the side of her jaw as I sucker punched her, though she only laughed as she stumbled away, rubbing at the impact area and fixing me with a mirthless smile.

"I told you before to not speak about Kalia like that..."

"You're fucking insane."

That just made me shrug, and for a moment I feared I had gone too far as I caught her squeezing the hilt of her new scimitar, but that fear faded as she tossed it aside and beckoned for me to come at her, this time head on and without a cheap shot.

"Well, suck it up, sister in law~! I was fucking Kalia until my testicles were empty, and there's nothing~ you can do about it~! Oh, and I fucked your Mama~!"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts