
Auction House (4)

Sitting down on one of the many balconies overlooking the auction stage, Renna and I shared a look before remaining quiet as some of the workers came up to our balcony and placed food down in front of us, each dish immaculately made and mouthwateringly scrumptious in both appearance and scent.

It had been awhile since I had feasted on food outside of that which I could make for myself, and it had honestly been a long time since I had feasted on actual food instead of making liberal use of my skill to turn cum into sustenance for myself, so to feel my stomach grumbling slightly at the sight of a juicy steak and grilled potato halves laden with butter and cheese was rather surprising.

Then came the thin pasta covered in a lemon sauce that was just pleading to be joined with the steak for a wonderful array of flavors, or the large bowls of salad tossed in a fresh dressing that made each piece of lettuce look succulent and appetizing...

When they placed a bottle of wine before us as well, I smiled softly as I held back the urge to point out that all we were missing now was a candle to make this the most romantic meal possible, and it seemed that Renna was thinking something similar since she was smiling at me sweetly.

They worked efficiently and quickly as they set the table for us and got everything plated for us to begin eating, not saying a word as they bowed and departed from the balcony to leave us alone with the mouth watering scent of perfectly cooked meat and a myriad of incredible sides begging to be eaten right away.

As soon as we were left alone, Renna picked up her utensils and began to slowly carve her steak into adequate portions for herself, staring at me the entire time as she waited for me to spark up a conversation of any kind at all, though there was little I wanted to say.

Now that we were alone, and that I had had some time to think it over on my own, I was... not as irritated or jealous as I thought I was, though I wasn't going to just let her keep doing what she had just done with whomever she wanted...

"So... Arani, huh? I don't think I was expecting what I saw there... were you?"

I took my veil off and began to mimic Renna as I carved off a piece of the juicy steak and brought it to my lips, the butter and rosemary wafting off of the meat and amplifying its already delicious scent to guarantee that I would devour this meal, the explosion of flavors dancing around on my tongue as I took my first bite of many.

"No, I wasn't expecting that at all, Astra... I will admit that I got a little carried away, but... all day long you've been teasing me so much, and we haven't had that long to spend together, so... my restraint was lowered... by a lot..."

She trailed off and tapped her fork against the plate as she took a bite, the two of us staring into one another's eyes as we felt out the other's emotions on this subject, and after a few seconds of silent chewing Renna spoke once again, still relaxed as she started on the salad next.

"I can confidently say that if you want me to not have sex with Arani again, I won't, but I can also confidently say that she was really good back there, and additionally I have to admit that we did get a little carried away, but..."

"But I also can get a little carried away with my teasing of you through your cucking kink. It makes sense, I guess; being on the opposite ends of what we consider normal now was rather... interesting. I'm not against it entirely; I think you'll find that I'm against very little at all when it comes to sex, but I don't know how well this will continue to become if we don't set baselines."

Renna nodded at that and uncorked the wine, taking a sniff of the deep red liquid and pursing her lips as she asked "Do you have a bottle of our own wine? This is... good, but not what I want right now."

Summoning one of bottles, I poured her a glass and said "As selfish and idiotic as it sounds, I don't really want to see you like that again, at least not with someone else. I can understand and even find Arani to be worthy enough of bedding you, but I don't think I could find it in me to agree to someone else..."

"Then I guess you'd be content to hear that I really don't want to be with someone else. Don't get me wrong, now that I've been shown how great sex can be when it's done so well on a daily basis, I am looking around at the people we pass and talk to in a different light than before, but... more often than not I don't find them that adequate. Shelur might be enough for me most of the time, and now Arani... she might be all I need, honestly.

But just to play devil's advocate for a few moments here; Astra, why are you so against me doing this? Why don't you say the same to Rhefia, to Sari? Is it the fact that you can 'control' them thanks to whom they have sex with? They only seem to desire those within the family, after all, but more often than not they tend to go to someone else, right? Am I not doing the same?"

I took a sip of the fruity red wine I had just poured, staring at Renna closely and tapping my finger against the glass as I contemplated her words, before I let out a sigh as I nodded, answering her honestly.

"I guess it is about control. I can control who Rhefia seeks to bed because - more often than not - she wants to fuck me, Camara or Heila, and they are both within my 'authority' inside of the family. Arani... she isn't. I can't tell her to do something, to change something she is doing, without revealing so much more. And... I mean, you're my first wife that I actually had to pursue. The first one that I had to put in an effort that didn't involve spreading my legs. So I guess you're just special to me, compared to Rhefia and Sari.

Where they pursued me and impregnated me upon our first meetings, I had to chase after you somewhat, I had to get to know you and develop something between us that was more than just a carnal desire. And now my special woman is being 'adventurous' and experimenting with other people..."

Biting my cheek, I looked away for a moment and took a deep breath, not wanting to stare directly at her as I added "To put it extremely bluntly, I don't like having my 'things' being taken by someone I don't really know, I guess... As crass as that sounds, that's the easiest way to put it..."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts