
Chapter 180 A Man With A Goatee

The man with the goatee smiled slightly  "I am not bound by the boy, yet he is the boy I picked to be my successor, He is like me yet not at the same time.

In a way I believe he is better than me" the man said as he turned his head to look at the flame being with a self depricating smile "Atleast he can keep a girl no matter how odd of a person she is"

Silence descended when he finished speaking as the flame being did not really react.

In the screen the particles kept approaching by the millimetre second what James did was extend his particles out into the air and began to let it latch onto the condensed particles and almost like a virus his particles began to quickly spread into the condensed particles and began taking control however it wasnt quick enough as most of the condensed particles got really close to hitting his body.

But James used the condensed particles he had taken control over to form a shield in front of him blocking the condensed particles that were attacking him causing nothing to happen as both particles dissipated.

Set was caught off guard by this for a second before it quickly regained its composure.

However the Man in the goatee had not quiet regained his composure as he looked at James with wide open eyes.

"That is impressive" the being with the flames curtly said without much reaction however he stepped forwards moving from the position he had been standing on for years.

"However that will not be enough" the being concluded as Set dissapered from his initial position almost seeming like he telepprtex confront of James and sent a kick to James body.

Before James could even react he was sent flying through the air like a broken kite crashing down to the ground with a really loud bang.

The man with goatee had recovered by now and a slight sense of panic arose in his eyes as he looked towards the being "Are you gonna Merge?" He spoke in a bit of a rushed manner knowing the urgency of the situation.

The being stood there quietly for a few seconds as James had begun to slowly get up reeling from the pain in his body and pushing through as dust were beginning to settle down.

"I agree to merge" the being said as the goatee man sighed with some relief, He felt complex at this moment.

He remembered him during after snapping with the infinity stones to defeat Thanos, He had thought he would only be met with Darkness, When he opened his eyes again he felt no pain rather felt an ethereal sense of self, He was floating in a dark space with dots of light everywhere.

The man had thought he was a ghost and floated around in space, He didnt know how much time passed as he slowly got close enough to one of the dots in the darkness, What he found out to be just a similar looking version of him with a unique set of Iron Man Armour he had never seen before.

Curious he tried getting closer and closer when a sudden force attraction began acting upon eachother and they both began merging, The merge resulted in no change of consciousness, The only thing was that a lot of memories of himself began appearing in his mind with a lot of new information and a whole new set of knowledge about that world.

This had left the man with the goatee shocked to the core as he realized that he had absorbed another version of himself in the multiverse that had died.

Answers the man had floating through the space was answered but that only left him asking more questions.

He soon however realized that asking himself these questions was useless the only way to get more answers would be to keep heading towards the other lights and so that is what he did.

Soon he met another hologram of himself with another u pique piece of Armours and merged with him getting his knowledge about himself and about the world this time he saw his world ending due to  a mysterious being called Kang invading there universe and taking over killing anyone who refused to submit running an absolute tyrannical rule over the universe.

The Man with the goate remembered growing g increasingly wary and curious about this being at that time but putting it at the back of his mind as he remembered hiw in the previous merger everyone on earth had become zombies.

The Man with the goatee kept travelling through the dark spaces encountering more of himself and absorbing them increasingly getting worried about the being calling itself Kang or Kangs rather discovering more about them as well.

He wondered if the universe he had died in would suffer the same fate.

He kept travelling absorbing more an dome of himself that had died through various circumstances and by the hands of the Kangs.

The answers he initially had were slowly answered but one question remained and that was where he actually was.

It didnt make sense as to why only the versions of himself that died were here, He wondered if everyone who died had a place like this but that thought was just to mind boggling to settle on so he put it off for later.

Eventually however he soon reached a place where he couldn't move any further hitting some sort of a membrain.

He wondered if this was the end of the realm he was where all his deaths were he wanted to break through this membrane hoping to reach the realm of life and save his universe even the multiverse with all of his knowledge, He was confident he had the knowledge to defeat the multiverse kangs that kept on invading a plethora of universes.

The man with the goatee tried to break through the membrane without rest as he was determined he sidnt have a physical form bu that didnt matter to him.

Soon however he came to the conclusion that it was simply not possible feeling desperate he tried to experiment on himself.

He tried to turn his already ethrial form thinner and almost atomic scale refusing his presence to such a state that it would be obvious for any body that he even existed.

He tried to test his theory as he moved his body closer to the membrane and his body actually began to pass through said membrane.
