
You don't Like The Name

As Seth had told Alexia, he truly hadn't been in any danger, it had just been him and his body arguing over a decision, a rather weird thing now that Seth thought some more about it, but oh well. 

Checking on all four people, Seth breathed a sigh of relief to see that they were alive, especially Gudzil. 

It would be a very complicated story if he accidentally killed the man. 

Thankfully, all that had happened was that Seth's qi had randomly spilled out, it hadn't moved to enter into anyone, so the only injuries they all had were caused by their own qi, a problem that was quickly solved with everyone popping a pill.

"Hmm, well, you're tougher than the rest."


"You sure are tough, So, you know what? I'm gonna name you."

"Screeeech," the blue beast cried, this time its scream booming louder.

"From now on, your name is Blue," Seth enthusiastically announced to the hearing of everyone.
