
Little Trick

  "Remember your promise, the scroll is now safely back with you so take a few deep breaths and calm down."

"Yes I know, it's just that why does she have to be so careless, she never takes anything seriously," Irene said vigorously shaking her head as she massaged her temples, and the next moment, her figure blurred and she was gone.

With Irene gone, It was just Seth and Aimy left standing alone, Seth looking at the cute brown hair chivar female next to him.

"She sure is angry," Seth said, his words having Aimy lift her head and look at him before looking in the direction Irene had gone.

"Why" Aimy silently asked, but instead of answering her question, Seth did a stretch with his hands going wide and then began moving towards Irene's direction.

"Stay here, let me go and make sure your sister doesn't destroy all of Mother Nature," and with those words, Seth's figure also blurred away.
