
Stay Away

First, it started with loud cries of birds filtering into his ears and threatening to stir him awake, but Seth strongly resisted their devilish calls.

Like they knew he hadn't gotten up, the birds cawed harder, but Seth put up a good fight, immersing himself deeper into his sleep, yet in the end he made the mistake of turning his head to the left, and was betrayed by his eyelids.

Without his permission, they fluttered open, and before Seth could quickly close them, his eyes were attacked by the instigator behind his eye's initial betrayal.

Bright cruel sun rays filtered into his eyes, and no matter how much he blinked, he couldn't get the bright light out of his eyes and in the end was forced to fully open his eyes and stare at the ceiling.

Accepting his defeat, Seth embraced the warm rays that hit the left part of his body, sparing some seconds to enjoy the serene peace and quiet.
