
My Nature

From the bright and intense rays of light that seeped through the uncovered windows of the room, Seth could tell that it was afternoon.

The rays bounced off some of the shiny platings of the room, giving it a sparkle and alluding to the expensive resources that had been allocated to its construction.

A massive bed sat in the center of the room, and yet despite the bed's eye-catching sight, it was barely able to cover half of the room.

This was the room Dilise had led them to, their new residence until further notice.

At the moment, Irene had gone into the bathroom to clean herself, and while Seth would have usually pursued his usual interest given such an event, he was currently pursuing another more pressing interest.

Though it hadn't been long enough to his satisfaction, fucking Dilise had helped Seth charge up his enlightenment sphere and bring it to the size of a super big basketball.
