

Chapter 102 Fireplace

The Wolverines are known as brave and not afraid of death. There is almost no word retreat in their dictionary of life.

The Wolverine principle is DEFEAT OR DIE. Because of that, even Jaguar will not compete with them.

Halvir deliberately challenged and pinched the pride of the two young Wolverines. With the challenge from Halvir will make them even more excited. The young blood in these teenage Wolverines will be even more turbulent, strengthening their potential better.

''Sir, when the time comes, I will ask Lila from you!'' Valo exclaimed firmly with a confident look in his eyes.

''Show me!''

Halvir showed a wise aura that made them bow in respect to the authority he possessed.


''Will I be like that too?!'' Ruvi exclaimed. He grinned as the two young men left them.

''What?'' Halvir asked.
