

Enjoy your day guys. Happy new month.

It was at night. Vivian was lying on the bed, used blanket to cover her body and facing her right hand side. She was opened her eyes under the blanket, preparing herself to fall asleep. Ryan was sitting on the bed beside her. He was pressing his phone, and catching fun on the social media.

Some minutes later, he put his phone down on the locker beside the bed. He moved closer to Vivian and trying to make a move. He put his hand under the blanket, rubbing Vivian's back down to her leg and making a romantic move.

“Please, I want to sleep. Let it be some other time or early in the morning” Vivian said gently. She shifted one inch far from him, pulled the blanket up and used it to cover her body well.

“I want you this night and I want us to have it right now!” Ryan said with command tone.

“I am not in the mood, so please allowed me sleep” Vivian was talking gently, and trying to be calm with him.
