
First Conquest (IV)

"Shit!" "Fuck!" "Agghh!" The curses continued as I decided to lay into the goons. There were no techniques or finesse in my moves, but none of them mattered since I could simply bulldoze through them without much difficulty. I didn't even need to ramp up to deal with these goons. 

Then all of a sudden, the wooden floor turned into threads and started to wrap around my body. I started to struggle and managed to tear through some of the threads, but more threads started to wrap around my body before becoming solid, holding me in place. 

I immediately scanned through the crowd and found the person responsible for my incapacitation… "I won't be able to hold him for long! He is very strong!" The woman exclaimed loudly while trembling. I noticed that she was also sweating like a pig.

"Beat the shit out of that fucker!" The leader thug ordered and the remaining goons lunged at me. To be honest, I didn't want to do this since the club was going to be mine in the future, I didn't want to be a punching bag. I took a deep breath and flames spewed out of my mouth.

I managed to take a few goons by complete surprise and they were completely drowned in flames. They didn't even get a chance to, they were dead before they could realize they were on fire… Some other goons managed to avoid the full brunt of my attack, but they too didn't live for long as they lifelessly slumped down on the floor. Only a handful of his goons managed to survive my attack.

However, just like I thought, the club was on fire… I was angry at myself, but then I decided that I was completely blameless. If the thugs hadn't forced my hand then I would never have used my flames. Thankfully, they had working sprinklers in this place and they finally turned on, dousing the flames, but the damage was already done.

The bindings around me were almost charcoal, so I easily broke out of them and glared at the remaining goons. I wanted to burn them to death, but that would be useless… 

No, I was going to make them pay for all the damages…

The leader thug and the woman responsible for immobilizing me stared at me in complete horror. I am guessing that they never expected people to die… I slowly walked up to the thug leader and this time nobody dared to stop me or try anything funny. "Lo-Look, we are sorry, alright? We will leave… We will leave. There is no boss and there are no reinforcements" The leader thug blurted out while panicking.

"Is that so?" I asked with a hint of amusement in my voice, but I don't think he noticed that as he simply whimpered in fear. "Then who do you work for?" I asked. I didn't count during the fight, but there were at least 25 goons under his wing. There was no way he was a nobody. He said that he does not have a boss, so he must be working for some sort of organization.

"I don't work for anyone" The man denied again frantically, making me raise my hand threateningly. "I swear! I don't work for anyone! I swear!" He exclaimed as he dropped down to his knees.

"Really?" I asked as I inclined my head with a curious look on my face. "Then why do you have so many people working for you?" I asked as I pointed around me. Most of his goons were burned to death and were now a pile of husks, but I decided to ignore them right now. I could angst over my first, second, third, and many more kills after I was finally done here.

"I owned this club and they were some of my friends… or they used to be" The man finished with a grimace. 

"So, you are the owner?" Yes, he just said that he is the owner, but I still decided to confirm it. "The rest of you, come here" I called out loudly when I noticed someone trying to leave. The water finally stopped pouring out of the sprinkler system, but the club was no longer on fire, which was a good thing. One of the women who worked here was trying to make herself scarce but I noticed her.

The rest threw the woman a glare, but the remaining people arrived and kneeled down in front of me… "Were any of them your close friends or…" I trailed off. Most of the people inside the club were dead thanks to my fireworks, so I hoped I hadn't killed any of the staff as it would become hard for me to get the rest to work for me or they would not be loyal to me even if they agreed to work for me.

I noticed that the guard and the woman he was consoling were still alive… "Uh… no?" The man answered with a weird look on his face.

"They were just his drug buddies" The woman who was trying to leave answered my question earning a hateful look from the man. "What? It's true isn't it?" The woman glared back. A fighter… I already liked her. The man deflated at her accusation. "Now, what the hell do you want from us?" The woman asked me. "Thanks to you, now I would have to find a new place for work" The woman added with a huff.

Wow… She doesn't mince her words, does she?

"Don't blame me, blame your dumbass boss for the fire. If he hadn't forced my hand then I wouldn't have used my fire" I answered with a shrug, making everyone gape at me like a fish out of water. "As for the reason, this of this as a conquest, now this club belongs to me-" I paused and glared at the owner. "-I hope you don't have any problems with that" I continued to glare at him.

"No. No. Of course, not. Just don't kill me" The man shrieked looking at me fearfully.

"No. No. That won't do… You are responsible for all this shit and destruction. You are going to pay for all the damages and you are going to help me dispose the bodies" I said as I leaned forward, making him go completely pale before he started to frantically nod his head…


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