
Are You Afraid Of Me?

Valerio drew his head back and slowly walked towards her.


He stood before her and folded his arms.


"No, I will not do that. And oh, it seems you are mad about the fact that I told you to stop being nosy."

"You want to break my neck and rip out my eyes?" He inquired with a smirk on his lips. "I pity those skinny hands of yours, for they will be on the floor before they even touch me."


He scoffed. "Please, control your absurd thinking, and let me sleep." He waved his hands at her and proceeded to leave, but having had enough, Everly stomped her feet on the floor.


"You are such a horrible person, do you know that?" She questioned.


Valerio halted on his steps and slowly turned around to face her.


"Yes, I do," He replied.


"Gosh! What kind of human being are you?!"


"You are so selfish! So unappreciative! And all you do is point out what people do wrong! Can't you at least appreciate the good things they do for you? A thank you would do, you know!"

"And for heaven's sake, stop ridiculing me as if you are perfect! You are literally the most awful person I have ever met in my entire life!" She yelled at him.


Valerio stared at her and abruptly shrugged. "I never said I was perfect, nor did I say I was a good person. When you do something worth appreciating, then I may consider appreciating you." He sneered and turned around to leave.


"And that's probably why, despite having everything you could ever want, you don't have a partner. You are not worth loving."


Everly stated.


Valerio immediately halted on his step, and a dangerous glint flashed in his eyes.


"What did you just say?" He asked with his back facing her.


"Are you deaf—" Everly has yet to finish her sentence when Valerio unexpectedly appeared before her in the blink of an eye,


He gripped her by the neck and harshly slammed her against the wall.


"Don't you ever make such a statement again! I can take your life because of it!"


"I am not worth loving?! You do not know the kind of man I am! They are the ones who do not deserve me! They don't deserve me at all!"


He screamed at her, and Everly's chest rose and fell in fear.


"I—I can't breathe. I-." She struggled, and seeing the deep dread in her eyes, Valerio quickly snapped back to his senses.


He immediately let go of her and hurriedly took steps back from her.


He looked at her, and before Everly, who was coughing, could utter a word, he turned around and stormed out of the room.


He slammed the door shut, and Everly gazed at the door with her eyes furiously blinking in fear.

Valerio stormed back to his room and angrily banged the door shut!


He turned to the wall and rapidly began to punch it trying to let out his frustration.


That sentence! That sentence she made, he can't seem to get it out of his head!


"Ahhhh!!!" He yelled and stopped punching the wall, leaving the blood dripping from his wounded knuckles to drop onto the floor.


He breathed heavily, trying to calm himself down. He pinched between his brows, realizing he was still finding it hard to control his temper.

It had actually became worse after what happened. It's as if, every littem thing gets on his nerve and he can't seem to control it.


He took a seat on the bed and laid down with his body facing the ceiling.


How could a man like him be unworthy of love?


He loved the woman he fell for with all his heart! He did everything for her! And was willing to do even more for her! But in the end, she betrayed him and caused him to be in the condition that he is now.


What more should he have done? Is it that he didn't love her enough? Just what exactly? Why did she hurt him?


It's been a year now since he got his heart broken, but he is still unable to heal. to move on and stop thinking about that person.


He let out a soft sigh and shut his eyes to force humself to sleep.



The early morning sun arose the next day, and Valerio blinked his eyes open.


Three light knocks resounded on the door, and knowing that it was Everly, he gave his permission.


Everly slowly pushed the door open and stepped inside.


She shut the door behind her and slightly bowed to him. "Good morning, Sir Avalanzo." She greeted him with her head lowered.


A slight frown emerged on Valerio's face, not sure why she was speaking in such a low tone.


He stood up from the bed and walked into the bathroom.


Everly followed after him and filled the tub for him.


As usual, she waited for him in the room while he took his bath.


Once he was done, he stepped out of the bathroom, and Everly dried his hair up.


She clothed him in his suit pants since he was going to the company.


She helped him wear his shirt and began to button it up.


Once she was done, she moved to button the wrist hem of his shirt, but on seeing his wounded knuckles, worry immediately flashed in her eyes.


"You're hurt." She grabbed a hold of his hand, and Valerio looked down at her.


"It's fine." He snatched his hand from her, but knowing that it was her duty to properly take care of him, she quickly rushed into the bathroom and grabbed the first-aid box in the cabinet.


She returned to him and proceeded to treat him, but Valerio frowned at her.


"I said to leave it. It will heal on its own." He frowned at her, but Everly, who wouldn't listen, continued to try to treat his wound.


"I need to treat it." She said to him.  

"Stop! Stop it! STOP IT, EVERLY!" He scowled at her.


Everly jolted back in anxiety, and the bottle of spirit she held in her hand fell to the floor.


It broke, causing the liquid to taint the floor.


"Am sorry. Am-am sorry." She panicked and quickly rushed to grab something to clean it, but Valerio, who could feel what he would call fear lingering around her, grabbed her by the arm, stopping her on her track. 


"What is wrong with you?" He asked.


Everly slowly turned her head to look at him and swallowed hard. "Nothing," She replied.


"Why are you afraid? Wait, are you scared of me?" He inquired, and Everly immediately trembled.


"N-no. am not." She furiously shook her head at him.


"You are lying. You are afraid of me." He stared at her with perplexity in his lavender eyes. "Why?" He inquired in deep confusion.

