
A Visitor.

It was early morning, and a small chaos arouse in the Delta's manor. All the maids and guards that worked in the manor were gathered in the punishment hall and they quivered in the presence of the Delta. 

The Delta looked at the line of workers kneeling before him with their heads bowed and he scanned them carefully, his eyes then fixed on a young maid and he pointed at her. 

"You, come here!" He ordered. 

The maid that was pointed at stood up and knelt before the Delta, she did not dare lift her face to look at him. 

"You serve the Lady, correct?" The Delta questioned coldly. 

"M-my lord, I am only a lowly maid, I am only allowed to give helping hands to the handmaids of the Lady, I have no rank at all!" The maid trembled as she responded. 

"Then, tell me, how have you helped to serve the lady today?" Delta Dominik demanded. 
