
Chapter 131: Team Complete!

Power stones☺️☺️☺️☺️


Ruby said, "Hmmmm, Abrial is wonderful and fun to be around, I've sparred with her before, and she is okay! for a weakness... I don't think she has quite the same level of recklessness that I do. Too cautious, even though that might actually be a good point in a way!"

Batibat continued by addressing Azail's arguments, saying, "If I had to choose one of you, I'd go with Azail." He fires magic bolts from a bow, which gives him greater control over his aim and precision. As concentrating on using magic while simultaneously aiming a bow needs a keen mind, it demonstrates that he is both tactful and bold at the same time. If I absolutely had to find something wrong with him, I would say that he is as childish as Ruby."

Batibat seems to have some level of respect for Azail, despite the fact that his enthusiasm for Azail's depiction dwindled to the point where it was barely audible near the end.
