

His voice was calm even as he made sure it did not spread,

"I only lived 21 years, you know? I do not think I have enough experience to put a judgment on the whole of humanity. But what I believe is that humanity as a whole should not be judged. Only an individual."

Adam had, in one month, gone through more events than many would go through in their entire life. But did this mean that he was suddenly some specialist about the woe of humanity?

Far from it. Despite all he lived, his experience was ridiculously small when compared to some entities.

Adam thought of Eve. A seemingly gentle woman who had existed since the dawn of humanity and had seen the high and low of the world.

Perhaps only someone of this caliber or people like Medusa had the credentials necessary to talk about humanity as a whole. As such, all he could give was his modest opinion based on his meager experience.
