
The Turning

Alexis stood at the door with the lit corridor outside of the prison serving as the backdrop. The bright flame from hanging fire torches at the walls threw dancing shadows against the cold stone surface and one side of his face.

Although he was some distance away, both the werewolf and the werepire inside the prison could see his vicious facial expression clearly.

"I always admire the bonds between werewolves," he mused as he entered the prison chamber with two of his vampire guards.

The clinking sound of his boots as they hit the floor caused Brett's scalp to tingle. Oh, what he would give to tear this vampire to the ground, once and for all.

As Alexis gazed upon his prisoners one by one, he couldn't help but stifle a chuckle.

"Do you know why?" he posed the question as if he were a scientist who was talking about his upcoming experiments to his experimental rats.
