

Kristen ran into the forest frantically, trying to get his scent. It was nearly impossible for her to do so because Damon had taken precautions against it so that no one would trace them. Sometimes, what we do for our benefit can get back at us and she realized it the hardest that moment. She decided to get on a tree so she could see better.

"Kris.." Before she could do that, someone called her name.

"Uhh, you little brat." She sighed looking at the boy who was now clutching on her dress.

"D-did you come for me?" He asked while crying.

"Of course, monkey. Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" She asked kneeling down to inspect the boy.


"Then what is wrong?" She noticed that the boy was looking like a mess, maybe would have fallen down a couple of times.

"L-lucifer." He mumbled while sobbing more.

"What about him? He is out here as well, searching for you. You scared us both a lot." She wiped his eyes and dusted his dress.
