

"Christian, wake up!" Kristen was banging on the door of the boy who was dead asleep.

"Open the damn door, boy or I am snitching on you. Later don't come crying to me."

Kristen was trying to sleep but the people staying next to her room had no calm. The loud erotic noises were ringing in her ears and she wanted to throw up. She tried covering the blanket over her head, closing her ears and even banging her hand back on the wall to warn them but everything was in vain. She wondered how the humans work all the time but this time, she gave up on her thoughts.

"OPEN UP!!! IDIOTTT, I AM GOING TO LEAVE YOU HERE." She shouted for one last time, clearly knowing the boy had passed out and would never wake up.

"Wowowow! What is happening?" A voice popped up again, scaring the life out of her.

"AGHHH! What is with you all scaring me all the time?" She asked, hitting the man in his chest with all her might.

"OH gosh, that hurts like hell." he cursed holding his chest.

"U-uh, I am s-sorry." Kristen tensed up knowing her powers are unbearable to humans.

She thought he probably broke his ribs.

"What are your hands made of? Iron? This would be one of the most painful hits ever, even Selene wouldn't stand this." He complained while rubbing his chest and wide eyes.

"I said, I am sorry. I am just built a little differently." She tried to play cool but her stares were still on his chest.

"Stop staring or you would have to give me a full course massage." He chuckled, noticing she was getting tensed.

"A-as if I would."

"So you are not denying that you were staring?" He asked playfully earning a groan from her.

Why was he always smooth with words?


"By the way, what are you doing here at this time? Why are you breaking the door?" He asked, peeking over her to the door.

"Hmm, n-nothing. I am j-just k-knocking."

"You almost broke the door and with this fist of your's I wonder how it still didn't break open." He sarcastically scoffed.

"Okay, the neighbors are so loud and I am unable to sleep. So basically, I am trying to wake my friend up so that I can share the room or more like kick him to my room." She said in one breath without looking at the man.

"Chill chill, which is your room? Maybe, I can try asking your neighbor to calm down." Lucifer suggested while she quickly pointed to her room.

All she wanted was a good night's sleep even though it was nearly morning.

"Oops! Sorry to say but it seems impossible." He answered with a small wave of helplessness in his honey-dripped voice.

"Why? You didn't even try for that?"

"That is my friend, Selene and I know she had be very loud. The reason why I took a room, at the farthest corner away from her." He laughed hysterically.

"Dude, if it is your friend, you should make her stop for heaven's sake." Kristen groaned as she pulled him to the door.

"Miss, she wouldn't listen to me and if I step in now, I would have to see her getting laid."

"I want to sleep tho. You better control her or I am complaining." Kristen demanded, her hands crossed over her chest.

"I am sorry for the misfortune but I didn't recommend that room for you. And yes, I am afraid that complaining wouldn't help. She must have paid extra for this or she could even be sleeping with the owner of this hotel." He passed a pressed smile and all she could do was scream.

"CALM! You are gonna wake up the entire hotel." He said quickly covering her mouth with his hands.


"Okay, that totally made sense." He rolled her eyes while pulling her to his room quickly.

He pulled her close to him and took out the key from his jeans pocket, opening the door somehow as she was just wiggling in his grip like a fish out of water. He kicked open the door and dragged her inside and shut the door behind. Kristen took the little distraction into consideration and bit his fingers.

"Ouch." He squealed before letting go of her and shaking his hands in shock.

"W-what are you doing?" She asked, trying to control her breath.

"I just didn't want to get embarrassed there. I visit here regularly, you know? I am sorry to say but sometimes you behave like you are not from this world which is very concerning." He continued while inspecting the bite mark on his hand.

"I am from heaven."

"Well, suits you. I am from hell and we would definitely make a good combo." He laughed it off.




"This is so annoying. I will kill him tomorrow." Kristen mumbled while rolling on the bed as the man was smoking by the balcony.

"You said you wanted to sleep, now what are you doing?" Lucifer asked as he threw the cigarette down the balcony once it was over.

"D-do you really expect me to sleep when a man is watching me?"

"It is me, Lucifer and you know that I wouldn't even spare a glance at you. I have a girl for myself." He stated, well... he already said this a dozen times in the past hour.

"I do not believe any man with this."

"Then stay awake. Miss, I am sacrificing my own sleep for your comfort, and it seems disrespectful to see you still blaming me for no reason. I am not a human to break words."

"Okay, Devil in disguise." She mocked him, the word was giving her chills every time.

"I actually look like this in hell too, maybe a little more hot."

"I am going to sleep anyways, don't even think about looking because my kick hurts more than that hit."

"I know that women have higher lower body strength for certain reasons." He mumbled, before frowning at the figure on his bed, completely covered in a thick comforter.
