

"Hey, Amela... you look specially more of a 'hoe' today." Naomi smirked as she walked to her desk to start the day's work.

"Well, you don't look bad yourself. Just in the way costume to get railed by a drunken bald head."

Naomi stuck her tongue out at the girl and focused back on the file in front of her. She had a lot of work piled up since the past few weeks as she was busy pleasing some rich business magnets who came to sign the deal. Well, she was assigned to do that for a double payment which was too huge for a survivor like her to reject. The world was cruel and to get through till death calls, she had to do the dirtiest things anyone could imagine.

"So how was the guests?"

"Pfft, as usual some dicks who just wanted to claim their dominance. I mean, try new tricks to at least get me in the mood." She complained.

"Of course, how would you like them when you were lucky enough to get the suit guy." A pinch of jealousy was tingling in her words.

"You are really a bitch who wants him to yourself, right? Not complaining because all would have the same thoughts." She clicked her tongue as a way for teasing her friend because she knows Amela hates it.

"Whatever, I have to leave now." She quickly packed her stuffs, or more likely dumped everything carelessly in a hurry to leave.

"Woah, go easy in there." Naomi squealed grabbing the pen which slipped through the side of the bag.

Amela just ignored it and snatched the pen before rushing out, to prevent the tears that were threatening to fall down. She hated being this weak and she obviously knowing the fact that Naomi will never even think like that about her. Why should she when she has the best man in the entire world all to herself. Well, that was what she thought or more likely something that she was told of. She had seen the guy come around a couple of times and that means Naomi taking sudden sick leaves at work.

"I think, he is back again." Amela groaned as she thought about the last time he visited her.

It was almost around two years ago, since then they haven't met. He looked really handsome to be human and that was a known fact to the world. He didn't have much of his information and whereabouts lingering on the planet and as much as Amela tried tried to look into him, nothing showed up, eventually making her give up. He mostly wears a rich suit made up of some rare material, that emitted aura and a strange fragrance that could get anyone latch themselves on him. He talked very less but his deep voice would never leave one's ears if heard once.

It was around ten at night when he walked in with two of his guards, all proud and handsome yet again. The guards stood back, they looked scary to Amela because why would a man come to a cheap hotel with two big ass guards as if his life is at stake? She didn't bother it as that kind of fancy suited him well enough. He just walked straight to the reception and Naomi literally threw herself on him, that was an exaggeration but they did have a warm greeting.

"I have to go now." Naomi mouthed to her friend who stood there confused.

"But your shift is not over. You have two more hours to go." Naomi complained.

"There is no rush today and I know you can cover up for me a little as I did for you last time."

"My mother was at hospital that time, Naomi. You can't compare a help you provided when I was miserable." Amela couldn't believe that her best friend was just bringing that one humane act into this.

"Well, I know that was personal but this is also important for me." She said, wrapping her hands around his biceps and he smirked.

"I can wait, if you want. Two hours wouldn't be a problem."

Naomi gasped and shook her head as no, she seemed to be taken aback by his words as if it was very big favor. But to Amela, his present smirk said something else, manipulation. He was just trying to manipulate Naomi into something but why? What would a girl like Naomi be able to do for him rather than accompany him in bed? But he didn't look like a guy who would need an average girl to please him, he can easily grab any super models for it.

"Are you really going to argue now? I am going and that's it." Naomi glared at her friend before happily running out with the guy.

After that night she hasn't seen that man, his name being something weird like Star? That was a nickname and she thought it would be Naomi who came up with such a cringe name because she was literally a simp for him. Not seeing him around for a while, Amela thought that would be the end but she was wrong. Naomi kept praising the guy once in a while, telling Amela who proud she is to have him. She randomly mentions that he went on business trips and what he is doing, showing off two or three selcas that he send her. Was her friend that into an unknown guy?

"I need a little space, a time away from her." Naomi mouthed as she was waiting for the bus.

A black car suddenly halted in front of her, scaring the living shit out of her that she jumped back in an instant. Her hold on the bag tightened not knowing what to do as the road was literally empty, was she going to be kidnapped or something? Not like the area she works or the place she works screams divinity which scared her even more. It can be a customer from before who came back for her. It had happened before but her thoughts died when the door of the car flung open in front of her.

"Oh shoot!"
