
A Normal Day

In the middle of an open field of grass right beside a lake, two individuals are in each of their own worlds. One boy with golden-blonde hair is doing a set of bizarre movements while breathing in a calm and systematic manner, while the girl with dirty-blonde hair is reading a magazine with its cover upside down while wearing unique pink glasses.

"You've been doing that for an hour, Moses. What are you doing...?" Luna asked while her head was tilted to the side in a cute manner.

"I've read it in a book, it's called body conditioning. I found it at Hogwarts Library covered in dust, guess wizards don't care about their physical health when mundane illness or injury can be healed and most of the things can be done by magic, huh?" Moses answered, still doing the set of refined movements with his eyes closed.

"Well...you're a wizard now, can't you condition your body with magic...?" 

"Sometimes doing simple 'normal' things has its benefits, Luna. Just think of it as a hobby that I will do more often from now on, you're free to do it with me, though," Moses suggested with a relaxed smile, his face completely cherishing the breeze and the rare, beautiful sunny day in England.

It's been a month since Moses came back from his adventurous first year at Hogwarts, and everything has been rather ordinary since he returned. Practicing and researching his powers every morning and night, check. Hanging out with Luna, who gave him a magizoology and herbology book fresh from Brazil's wizarding community, check. 

"Hey, Luna," Moses called out as he stopped what he was doing and wiped his drenched body.

"Yes?" Luna questioned her gaze, still concentrated on reading the odd book that she was holding.

"What house do you think you will be sorted into?" Moses asked, causing Luna to stop her reading and stare directly into Moses's eyes.

"What do you think?" Luna answered with a question while making a look of curiosity, wondering what Moses would say.

"Well... You are brave, you are smart, and you are loyal, though I don't think you're ambitious. Maybe if it has something to do with Quibbler, you can be a little ambitious... It's kind of hard figuring out where you will go... interesting." Moses muttered to himself while scratching his chin in a thinking manner.

Luna watched Moses' expression in amusement. Moses' process of thought was really predictable for her, just with a little question, his mind can go from place to place. His attention span is really manipulable. Shaking her head with a chuckle, Luna decided to change the topic.

"Is Father Orsi still occupied?" Luna asked,

"Yeah, it's been a month since I talked to him without him taking care of something. I've been in his office, and damn those paper stacks! Father Orsi will take a decade to finish those!"

"Well, I'm sure Father Orsi is just doing his work more seriously this time to finish it quickly, Moses."

"I know... but something's definitely fishy..."

"...Really...? I don't smell anything?" 

"Wha— Oh... It's nothing, Luna. HAHAHA, never mind that; I hope we have the same house!" Moses exclaimed in glee; he was very much aware of Luna's eccentric and odd personality, so he just ignored her question and changed the topic, after all, it was Luna he was talking to...

"Me too..." Luna replied in delight with a dreamy smile of her own. The whole day was spent by the two of them hanging out over the grassy fields of Ottery Catchpole in a peaceful atmosphere. After Moses conditioned his body, he sat down beside Luna and grabbed a book that was on the ground.

[Humanity's Evolution: The Destined Future of the Human Genome—by Charles Francis Xavier]

"It's about time I read what Uncle Erik gave me," Moses muttered to himself while picking his nose nonchalantly.


Books, books, books, books. Stacks of books are all over my room, all pertaining to cells and genomes. Everything was starting to make sense. The wizarding world... are truly naive. Yes, they questioned themselves about how they obtained magic. Yes, some of them knew that their magic was coming from inside their bodies, but why is that so? Where did Mana come from? 

Cells are very complex organisms. All of them need a source of energy to survive, but energy needs to go through so many cycles for it to be useful in an organism. What if, instead of breaking those down into smaller, simpler units, someone could take that energy, even though it's in its raw form, and convert it to any energy by breaking down its atoms and molecules? Energy Absorption. 

It was the reason I survived my predicament in the Forbidden Forest. The raw form of the energy that the unicorns somehow gave me enabled me to power up my commandment for only a short burst of energy. It was only a short burst because of another problem. The human body is a very feeble thing. They have a very weak constitution, a constitution that limited me from ever achieving my body's truest potential to be the strongest... to achieve perfection.

Then that's when evolution and adaptability take place. With my energy absorption and force adaptation, I can achieve perpetual evolution, but to what end...?

"Next thing I know, I will be as big as the planet or turn into a grotesque creature if my evolution cycle can't be stopped." I muttered to myself while deep in thought. Flipping through the pages of the book that Uncle Erik gave me has given me new insights on human evolution. It was a little surreal, but... based on my passive command arsenal up until now, it was all possible.

"Am I a mutant and a wizard?" I uttered it in a daze. Questioning my existence has been the summary of my life up until now. 

"Perpetual evolution, although it's a little tempting, is still full of flaws and uncertainties that I can't ever risk." I muttered while biting my nails. Ever since that horrid dream, I've become more paranoid about using my commandments. 

"Curse you, Uncle Jack! I know you gave me that dream as a wake-up call!" I shouted in irritation, causing the veins in my neck to be visible while both my fists were up in the air.

My protests, however, were stopped when one of my active commandments was triggered, causing me to widen my eyes and look in front of me in a daze, deep in thoughts on what to do with the information that I just received.

Harry Potter was a very troubled child. A child who is obviously abused by someone for some reason. When I saw how his uncle treated him at the station, I placed a commandment on him.

[If Harry Potter were ever to be abused in a way that caused him to be injured mildly or severely, resulting in him fainting, a signal would immediately alarm me of his condition and heal him in the process.]

The signal alarmed me, prompting my suspicions to be immediately answered, and I was right.

'You'll have one hell of a straightening to do, Father Orsi, and it's about time I join in the fun.' I thought mischievously while smiling evilly.


Later that evening, inside a wooden room that was full of stacks of papers and the smell of caffeine was permeating, an old man, dressed in priest clothes, was looking tiredly at a boy, not over 13 years old, with golden-blonde hair.

"Father! Can we visit my friend? Pretty please!" Moses exclaimed desperately, trying to coax his father into rescuing his friend.

"I'm sorry, son, but your sister Lily and I are really busy right now. Maybe next week...?" Father said weakly with a set of eyebags on his face. 

"But Father, I have to help my friend, he's in tr —" Moses whined again, however, Father Orsi didn't let him finish.

"Son, I'm very sorry, but I can't. It's past your bedtime now, isn't it? You need to understand — Father Orsi muttered in a worn-out voice, but his sentence was stopped because of what Moses said next,

"Harry is being abused, Father!" Moses exclaimed with an alarmed tone of voice, and Father Orsi looked at the boy in front of him with a shocked look, 

"...Abused...?" Father Orsi questioned somberly, finding clarification in what he heard. His muscles slowly clenched at the word that he uttered.

"Yes, by his uncle! This is serious, Father! I once saw his bruise when we were at Hogwarts. He just said that it was from when he tripped, but the bruise was very diffe —" Moses explained quickly,

"Say no more words, son. Where is he?" Father Orsi uttered with a tough voice, as he stood up and tucked in his sleeves,

"Privet Drive!" 

"...Being abused by his family, no less. Orsi can't allow that, can he? Tell me, Moses, what does your father hate the most?" He asked with a devilish smile, his teeth showing menacingly like they had some sharp canines on them.

"Father Orsi hates abusers!" Moses answered, pumped up at seeing this side of his father again.

"THAT'S RIGHT! GRAB MY BIBLE AND MY HOLY CROSS, YOUNG ONE!" Father Orsi ordered boisterously,

"YES, FATHER!" Moses answered with a shout as he ran hastily outside of the office,

"Hmpp! The metal book cover, got it?"

"I know, Father!"

"...I've got some serious spanking to do, and of course, a very long and sufficient therapy to do." Father Orsi muttered to himself while cracking his knuckles,

"Don't worry, Father. I'll take care of Rahne for the time being; you can deal with that Harry boy first." Sister Lily was curious about why Father Orsi's office was so noisy considering that he should be busy by now, so she checked what was wrong with them, only to find Moses talking about the Boy Who Lived, who was supposedly being abused by his relatives.

"Thank you, Sister Lily," Father Orsi thanked her with a smile,

"Found it!" Moses shouted as he came in, he was holding a bible with a silver-colored book cover and a cross with the same color too.


"What's the number of the house again, Moses?" 

"That... I don't think Harry gave it to me, Father."

"So you mean to say is that we need to check every house one by one, son?"





I need some feedback on the things that I need to improve guys! I hope you could help me with it. I know the story's not perfect and all but I really want to improve on something. Should I move the plot faster? Is it too slow paced? What do you think I should take out on my writing? What about the MC's personality? Do you want me to hasten his character development or give him a normal paced character development? Just y'all tell me what you think about and I would read all of what's on your mind to better implement it to my story.

Also, I'm sorry for the inconsistent uploads, school life is such a pain in the ass but I really need to do my responsibility as a student. Last week was hectic. My puppy got sick, teachers dumped us a bunch of projects and assignments with no connection whatsoever on our chosen course...

Anyways, I'm just ranting now and I sound like a weak ass shit, just leave me some stones will 'ya?

Thanks to those who still read this fanfic... I appreciate y'all. My p@trons... I don't know I deserve your support considering how mediocre this story is, but still... thank you. For those who supported me from the beginning until now, may you leave a fucking fantastic happy life!

[Next Chapter: H.P a.k.a. Harry is Piss]


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