
Chapter 259 Even Wall Street Fears The Mafia.

  Hardy stated that the Venetian Hotel would establish a construction management team, and all company funds usage would need to be approved by this team, which would be accountable to all shareholders, regularly reporting on construction progress and fund usage details.

  Hearing this, the family heads felt reassured. They were afraid Hardy might overspend in pursuit of extravagance like Sigel, which could result in their money going down the drain.

  With things settled, the mafia family heads bid farewell one after another. Hardy looked at the agreement and smiled. These people were now onboard, and henceforth, the mafia would no longer pose a significant threat to him.

  After sending them off, Hardy also returned to Los Angeles.

  He was in a hurry to come back because there was a speech waiting for him.

  When he made the deal with Mayer, one of the terms was to become the president of the Actors Guild, which Mayer agreed to.
