

Chapter 40: Evolution

"We're going south."

After those words, Leon decided to spend his money on their adventure. First, he bought a small carriage enough for at least five people, took horses and enslaved them to add them to his system, and bought enough food for a journey. He also bought sleeping bags, clothes, and other necessities to stay healthy.

Secondly, Leon bid farewell to people whom he had a good relationship with. He spoke with the blacksmith master and other villagers from the shopping street. He exchanged a few words with the inn's chef and the receptionist woman.

"It's a big loss to our inn."

"We have stayed for too long. I left some presents as thanks for your hospitality."

"Thank you, Mr. Leon."

Louise also had her short talk with the chef.

"I made a lot of mess. Sorry, chef!"


"But I've learned a lot from you. I'll always treasure you as my first teacher! People will know about your nice heart!"

"Shut up and go already."

