Gary pov...
Throughout the hours kelvin left i must admit bianca wasn't stable... she was just going frenzy, jumping up every here and there whenever she hears anybody mention kelvin.
To be honest kelvin is most lucky guy on earth anything he wants he gets and that makes me envy of him sometimes... also whenever I see he and bianca I get jealous... but no matter what I'll never betray kelvin never... I'll always remain by his side even if the world is against us and I know he feels the same way not to me alone but to everyone especially his best friend Stanley and the deceased charlie...we were all best friends... and I swear on my life as long as I'm still living I'll avenge Charlie's death and who ever was behind this beast Invasion... will die.
Bianca felt so tired later on... after going to and fro.
"Rest bianca you need a good sleep" I told her, dropping a dusty old mattress I got from the basement store beside her (It the best bed we got so far).
After bianca forcing her to sleep.
I went to Jeremy's desk.
"How far has he gone?" I asked.
"Third floor, one more to go!"
'I cannot let kelvin keep going all the time i get a beast soul too' I thought and decided to try my luck.
"Hey, jerry is there any survivors"
"Right yeah...but it too dangerous to go alone" he told me.
"It my choice Jerry let me get them myself"
"Alright then it done"
" agreed so fast" I said accusingly.
"Yeah what do you think?, i don't want to get whooped in the butt" He laughed and i did too.
You know before all this invasion and stuff jeremy and i do get into a fights which lead me and my buds to whoop his butt anytime each time he disagrees to whatever we say.
I don't know exactly who jeremy is but i could feel it me he's a good guy.
"So where i'm i going exactly" I asked.
"Hang on" He said and begin to type like mad i was amazed to the point that i didn't know when a wow escaped my mouth.
After, a while he spoke "This floor"
"What suite?"
"Staff quarters actually, Room 005"
"How many?"
"Lots of people"
"So" I said then he tossed me a shotgun.
"Be safe!" He said with a wink return back to his usual seat then i left.
Immediately after leaving the basement i sneaked around trying to reach the staff quarters without making a sound or getting noticed by any beasts.
I was about to reach the locker room, when a big black rat with human flesh and bone in it mouth whooshed past in front of me.
'Close call' I thought.
Passing by several rooms with their doors hanging open, while a few were shut close. But the last thing i thought of doing was to disobey Jeremy. Even if someone was at the other side of the door, I don't know who was or his intentions, so i just walk past it.
The staff quarters was in a similar situation just like the ones above. A few dead bodies on the outside, blood and broken doors as usual.
'Room 005' i muttered under my breath. Walking by several rooms until i reached '005' which was shut.
I pressed my hand against the door knob trying to turn it but it was locked...KOM! KOM! ~ I knocked silently.
"Who's there?" A soft feminine voice asked.
"It Gary"
"Gary!" The voice said as the door unlocked then a middle aged woman Mrs Matteson our new physics teacher pulled me in shutting the door behind me.
In the room were several students and teachers with terrified looks in their faces. I estimated all of to be around sixteen plus...
"So how did you reach this place and knew we are here?" She asked me with a hint of suspicion in her voice.
"Jeremy..." i said.
"Jeremy sent me here to get you all to the basement where the beasts wouldn't reach"
"I'm sorry honey we don't need help"
"You don't need help?, Look at him" I pointed at a guy in the corner who had brusies all over his uniform.
"Can't you see that?, he needs help" I asked Mrs Matteson looking at her face to face...i felt something ive never felt before dread... it was like i was staring at a monster face to face.
"He's healing" She said, her face as calm as ever.
"He isn't can't you all see that" I asked staring at everyone but there eyes were all looking down as if they were all scared of something.
'Something's wrong' i thought but it was already too late i was already surrounded by three huge bulky teenagers.
"What?, what the hells going on?." I asked with a look of panic reaching for the shotgun but one of the teens behind me knocked it out of my hand hurl me down on my knees, i was defenceless as Mrs Mattesons face began to contort in a strange way...
'Mrs Matteson is a beast ' I tried screaming but it all came out in gibberish. Mrs Matteson on the other hand just stared at me with her bright red eyes and said just one word.
And immediately i felt weakened as if i was tired after a long marathon, my vision i felt sleepy, i collapsed on the ground falling into a long dreamless sleep.