

Not wanting to deal with her erratic heartbeat, Belle pulled Ceres out and told her to take over her body for now. She was afraid for her heart's condition if she continued to talk to him. Sooner or later, she might really fall for him, and she didn't like it that way. 

"We've been together for quite some time. I know the feel of your hand and I can also smell your perfume" Ceres answered without batting an eyelid. Eli seemed to agree with her statement because he smiled faintly and took a seat next to her. Neon was in front of them. 

"I see. Then, I hope you like my surprise. This is my first time doing something like this so," Eli muttered while scratching the tip of his nose, "I am not really sure if I'm doing this correctly. I probably should have asked about your favorite flower." 
