
Ch. 16

It didn't take long for the fight to be set up. All the males in both Clans agreed to be a part of it. Arkell found a place big enough for the other Kings to oversee the match. There is only one rule, no one gets killed. If someone does, the party forfeits.

I'm glad that rule was put in, I don't want to feel responsible for anyone dying.

The Kings and the rest of the males head to the beach.

Arkell lingers behind for a moment.

He caresses my cheek. "Don't worry, everything will be fine. I should be back before nightfall."

"Okay." I kiss him on the cheek. "Be safe"

His cheeks redden, but he nods.

I watch as he walks away into the trees.

A hand gets placed on my shoulder.

I look up and it's a tall dark-skinned male.

"Don't worry, our king will handle them."

His accent sounds familiar, maybe African?

"I hope so." I walk back to my house, preparing myself for teaching.

The day goes on with no news, but no interruptions. My students are slowly getting a handle on gardening. I'm going to teach them how to cook next.

Junko still sits in the corner and watches.

Something about her isn't right, but I don't know what it is.

I ignore it for now and continue with my lessons.

By the time the sun sets, they finally return.

The males return with cuts and bruises, but I only see the Bear clan return. Arkell finds me and hugs me.

He has cuts and bruises and he's all sweaty.

I hug him tightly. "What happened?"

"The Hyena king tried to set me up. He planned to try and kill me while the clans were fighting. Let's just say that we won't have to worry about them anymore."

"Never trust a Hyena right?" I ask.

He nods. "At least we have a bigger workforce now."

We both look over to see the Hyena males tied up and dragged off somewhere.

"What will happen to them?

"Those males surrendered, so nothing bad. I'm making them temporary slaves until they are worthy of forgiveness. The others that were against me, weren't so lucky."

"I see" I assume they were killed. But, what's better? A life of slavery or death?"

"Come, let's go home." He caresses my cheek and smiles.

"Let's, I need to tend to your wounds."

We start to walk side by side.

"This is nothing. I'll be fine."

I raise an eyebrow and gently lean on a cut on his arm.

He winces from the pain and then growls at me. " That stung a bit."

"Oh, but I thought it was nothing?"

"Careful" He growls again. "You might regret that later."

"We'll see about that."

Once we get to the house I start to take care of his wounds, but he seems off.

"Does something seem off to you, Fae?" He asks, his voice low. I look around and think. "It does seem a little quiet. I left Comac with the pups so I could wait for you." My instinct brings me to our bedroom.

As I get closer the air gets heavier and has a metallic tang to it. My heart races as I stand in the doorway. Something in the right corner catches my eye.

Once my mind fully understands what I'm looking at, the only thing I can do is scream.
