


299 AC

Summer Isles - Ebonhead

Eragon Targaryen


Something is off.

I felt something and it persisted for longer than just a stray feeling, it meant something and I am unsure of what. Like a ringing noise in my ear that lasted just long enough for it to almost stop bothering me just to disappear.

Looking around the bedroom I don't see anyone, no assassin with a knife in hand lunging at me. I don't even feel in danger I just feel like something happened that I missed. I close my eyes and try to focus on the feeling once again but it has vanished completely and left me feeling 'off'.

"Eragon?" Shiera asks with a mumbled voice causing me to turn to look at her.

"Hmm?" She lifts her arm and places her hand on my chest and pushes me down onto the bed as best she can.

I let her succeed and lay back with my head meeting the pillow, the pillow is a bit damp from sweat. I notice it's not hot enough tonight for me to sweat, something else to add to my suspicion. I look into Shieras concerned mismatched eyes and give her a comforting smile.

"What's wrong?" I wish I knew, but I don't even know if I would call it 'wrong' just an odd feeling.

"Just felt a bit off and needed to sort through my thoughts." I rub my thumb on her cheek and she smiles.

"Good night." She mumbles before closing her eyes.

"Good night." I mumble back as I close my own eyes and sort some more, I will figure it out soon enough.


Sitting at my desk sort through my thoughts once more after snuffing out the flame checking on Sunspear and everyone there. I have yet to find anything wrong from a distance with anyone I have a connection to. No dead eyes looking back into the flames or anything equally worrying.

I lean my head on my fist as I run my finger over the candle and wonder what that feeling could have been. It was brief but enough to wake me, short but long enough to be noticed, concerning but also not.

Is this the Targaryen madness?

I sure hope not, I need to raise many kids and conquer many lands for them to rule and enjoy. I have too much to do to go crazy and start seeing faces in shadows or pretenders hiding behind fake faces.

I even checked the dragons and the vault and nothing was off other than Arrax seemed to be in a funny mood. He almost looked eager for a flight as he gazed out at the horizon, the same look in his eye as when he sees dinner.

"Melisandre." I call her name and she turns toward me from the spare desk in the room.

"Yes, Eragon?" Hmmm, she is still calling me by my name and not prince as I asked so nothing is wrong there.

"Do you think something could have happened last night?" Her brows scrunch.

"That's pretty broad so I will say yes, something could have happened last night just like any night." I roll my eyes and wave her over and she sets the book she was looking into and walks to my desk.

"Sit." I pat my lap and she nods and walks around taking a seat in my lap sideways to rest her head on my shoulder as I lean back.

The chairs Dragon emblem carved into the back of it digs into my skin and I once again find myself wondering why Targaryens have a thing for seats that hurt to sit in.

"I felt off last night, something happened or is going to happen and I just can't shake the feeling like something is missing." Her eyes widen and she looks at the candle I was using and then habitually toward the fireplace.

No fire is burning so she looks back into my narrowed eyes.

"I have no idea, you checked on your family?" She pointed at the candle and I nod and she looks at it herself once more. "What about your enemies, it could have been a warning of something incoming." My hand raises and hovers beside the candle.

Closing my eyes I imagine Robert Baratheon the Usurper and when the flame sparks I see the fat king plowing a small woman with a cup in his hand.

"Still alive... very alive." I groan and the flame goes out and I imagine another enemy to distract myself. "Daemon Blackfyre?" I hum in thought to look for the latest Daemon Blackfyre my family will have to put a stop to.

"What happened?" The flame sparks but goes out immediately after.

I feel a tingle of my magic going in but nothing happens until I give up and drop my hand.

"It can't find him." This never happens, not even when I wish it would like with Robert.

"Try his sisters, we know they are still in Volantis according to our source and your recent times checking on them." I nod slowly as I imagine the young woman with silver hair and purple eyes that always seem sad.

Helaena Blackfyre, a pitiful little thing that seems chewed up and spit out by life and I don't think that remark is too far off. She usually is staring off into the sky or pretending to read a book when I watch her. She seems to be quite done with her circumstances if I had to guess, with a brother who seems not far off Viserys and a sister who seems keen to fight someone at all times.

My eyes widen seeing the familiar girl, a smile on her face as she runs her hand down the back of a familiar sight. White with gold markings and wrapping its tail around her neck, a familiar sight indeed.

"That is a dragon." Melisandre mumbles and I nod looking at the little baby nuzzle against her cheek.

The feeling is back, a string pulling at my heart from a far distance.

This is how a fish must feel when it is hooked on a fisherman's line, a pull that makes my feet start tapping in impatience. A craving to get to the sight I am seeing, to recover what was taken from me.

Yet I have never seen this dragon, it's not mine but it is mine at the same time. The same feeling I get when I look at any of my children, a feeling of wanting to protect them, to love them.

How this happened I do not know but I know without a doubt that I will not like the answer, I feel like I have been robbed. I feel like someone swopped into my nest and flew off with my young while I was not looking.

I slap the flame and immediately seek out the other Blackfyre, feeling the pull of magic I look into the flame and see the woman with the king's sword. She is holding out a piece of cut meat and a black dragon with red markings is looking at it. It huffs and looks away causing me to smile at the little picky eater.

"Another..." Melisandre mumbles once more.

I almost speak up when the black dragon's head snaps in my direction and gazes into my eyes through the flame. I feel the pull like never before and I almost grimace in pain as I look into the little eyes of the dragon.

The flame goes out and the pull lessens but occasionally jerks like someone trying to pull the hook out when it gets caught underwater.

"Let's go and gather everyone up, seems a trip to Volantis is needed."


299 AC


Cirilla Blackfyre


"What is wrong with you now?" I ask the little black dragon who is sweet one moment and then nippy in the next.

It finally stops staring at the wall and looks back at the meat in my fingers before shaking its head like a wet dog and turning away to bother the green dragon.

"You need to cook it first." My sister speaks up from the corner with an odd look on her face as she looks at the black dragon.

"Oh." I mutter while turning to the plate of raw meat.

Thoughts of flames enter my mind and how the golden flames consumed the pyre and turned everything to ash in less than a minute. The eggs cracked while resting in the ash and out came three baby dragons who sang their song and flapped their little arms.

"Just let me do it." Helaena takes the meat and walks towards the fireplace and begins placing some wood in it.

"Ok." I sit in my seat and watch my lively sister, she is more active than I have ever seen before.

"Just ask what you want to ask." She looks over her shoulder and grumbles at me.

"How did that happen?" We tried to hatch them before, nothing came of it no matter how many people screamed in the flames.

She looks over her shoulder with clouded eyes before running her hand down the back of the cream and gold dragon. That dragon is all sweet, a nice baby that loves to get rubbed and scratched.

"Magic." I roll my eyes at her answer and throw my hands up.

"I got that part, how though? There were mages from all over that tried to hatch them and nothing happened." She sparks the fire and stands up and walks to the corner and grabs the fire poker.

"They did not have the magic that was needed, only one magic can wake the dragon from stone." She stabs the meat on the iron rod and holds it over the flame.

Trills and flapping of wings fill the room at the meat burning and the two lazy babies scratch their way across the floor to join the one resting on my sister's shoulder.

"What magic is that?" She rotates the meat with one hand and pets the green dragon with the other hand.

Real dragons.

"You know what magic I am talking about." I raise both my brows at the snappy response and cross my arms.

"I don't, enlighten me." She pulls the burnt meat off and drops it right into the mouth of the black one and it scampers off before it can get stolen.

"Who's magic woke dragon from stone?" She asks and I immediately form the connection.

"Eragon Targaryen." She nods and I feel a pit in my stomach.

"All that talk about him being some kind of god-forged hero come to defeat the darkness is real isn't it?" Are we a part of that Darkness as his family's enemy?

Did we put ourselves even more in his path by hatching our own dragons? Will we need to run and hide and wait for the to grow just to stand a chance at surviving?

This is not even about thrones and conquest, Daemon is dead and that went out the window with him. Survival is all that matters now, moms dream will have to wait until we are more stable before I humor it again.

"He is a man as far as I am aware, I don't know much more than the red priests but they are preaching him up quite a bit. His magic is without a doubt essential for the survival of man against the darkness, the Great Other." The Great Other, the one opposite of R'hllor the god of light and life.

"What all do you know? What have you been hiding from me?" Dread fills me as she gives me a sad look with tears in her eyes. "Did you know Daemon would die?" She looks away and my heart clenches.

"I didn't know, I knew that a price had to be paid but not what the price would be." I relax even if the worry still floods me, she is still Helaena.

If she had said nothing and knew Daemon would die she would not be Helaena, but this is still Helaena even if she acts differently.

"Tell me everything from the beginning, I need to know everything." I lean forward and she turns as she cooks more meat.

"Ok." She nods taking more of my worry away even if it still weighs heavily upon me.

Thanks for reading!!!

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