
Attack (3)

"Let's go in," Erik said.

"Yes, Master."

With that, the two stepped inside the mansion's grand entrance. More guards were pouring down from the stairs and coming out of the rooms nearby.

"I'll take those on the left. You take those on the right." Erik and June dispatched their foes with the same ease of using a hot knife to slice butter.

As the last guard crumpled, a haunting silence descended upon the area. The two took a couple of seconds to look around.

The mansion's grandeur was clear in its towering marble columns, opulent chandeliers casting warm glows over silk-draped furniture, and floors of polished stone that mirrored the art-adorned walls.

June and Erik looked at each other. "This should be a safe house? What the hell?"

The vast expanse of the entrance hall quickly swallowed the echoes of their boots against the polished marble floor.

"This is really shameful."

"Indeed, Master."
