
A proposal (2)

Lysa guided Erik through a set of frosted glass doors into her tastefully decorated office.

Some unnaturally large windows flooded the room with natural light, highlighting the contemporary furniture and the gleam of the polished wooden floor.

She motioned for Erik to sit across her broad mahogany desk. As he made himself comfortable, she took her own seat behind the piece of furniture.

"Mr. Kay," she started, her voice tinged with relief and caution, "it's not every day that someone offers a lifeline. So, I bet you understand how hard it is for me to trust your offer for help."

Erik nodded, acknowledging her point. "Life is full of surprises, Lysa. I'm here for a mutually beneficial arrangement, not to rip you off."

Her eyebrow arched in curiosity. "And what might this arrangement be?"

"As I said, I need some vehicles," Erik began, "Specifically, four large VANs capable of handling the weight of Thaids and rugged terrain."
