
Trouble Ahead (1)

Erik and his companions had been journeying through the winter wilderness for two weeks.

With each passing day, the village that had once been their home got more and more distant, giving way to an endless expanse of frost-covered trees and ice-covered paths. The cold was a constant, but they were used to it; their bodies resisted the biting chill thanks to their clothes and the fires they started at night under the protection of Erik's wooden domes.

Thaid sightings became more common as they moved further away from the Frantian's military encampments. It was clear that the soldiers did something to the thaids around the village since there were almost none there. The beasts appeared to be drawn to the remote wilderness by primal instincts.

Despite the increased Thaid encounters, the group could hold their own. Erik's dual abilities and his companions' seasoned skills proved to be more than a match for these creatures.
