
CHAPTER 83: Conisder their lives

  Conor helped unlock Kerrigan’s chair and they continued their stroll through the park, with Conor gently guiding her wheelchair.

  “Why here Conor?” she asked softly.

  “I hope that you will not be in that chair for long. I hope that one day you will be able to stroll this path on your own, and will know of its beauty for what it is.”


  “Because, Miss Lokir. While things may seem uncertain right now, I realize that soon enough you will return to your desk and continue your pursuit of business. This is what you and I do. However, I have seen you in Jinstain before. My staff have already mapped some of your intentions for Jinstain. I am not saying for you to stay out of my town, but I am asking for you to see if for its true potential. See it for what and who it was ment for. These people mean far more than millions of dragon coins in my own coffers. I just hope you can see a glimpse of that before you make too many decisions about their future.”
