
CHAPTER 10: Life of the Community

  As the weeks went by, Conor found himself eager to head to the GrizlHut each day. Cara’s smile was so much more infectious and welcoming than the nagging he received at home from Jessica, or the outright abuse his mother-in-law, Cynthia Cochan, rained down on him.

  Cynthia seemed to think that Conor owed the family such a debt that he was now a family slave. She loved to order him around even in their apartment.

  Work at Grizlhut was definitely a welcome escape!

  One day, Cara and Conor were both scheduled to be off by 4 p.m.

  “Got any plans this afternoon?” Conor asked.

  “Yes, actually. Matter of fact… you should come. I think it would be right up your alley.”

  “What is it?”

  “You’ll just have to wait and see.

  At the end of the shift, Cara had Conor ride with her, and they drove to a run-down part of town. Kids were playing basketball in the street, and jumping rope.

  “What is this place?”

  “It’s what’s left of the Jinstain Community Center. The Temple of Celia funded it up until about three or four years ago. Since then, it has gone downhill fast. They were never able to give it much, but it had been enough to give these kids a place to go.”

  “What happened?”

  “Well, after the attack at the temple, I don’t think there was anyone left who cared enough to make sure it was included in the budgeting.” Cara sighed.

  A man in his mid-fifties walked out of the center just then, “Cara, dear! You came to visit!”

  “Johnathan!” she rushed up and hugged the elder man. “Conor, meet Johnathan. He has been keeping this place running as best he can.”

  “Celia be praised, young Conor, is that you?”

  Conor stepped forward and shook the man's hand. “I …ummm, I dimly remember you, but it has been a while.”

  “Yes, young man, likely ten years since I last saw you. Your mother was a gem, and we all mourn her loss.”

  Cara looked between them, surprised, “you two know each other?!”

  “I served at the temple with Conor’s mother. She was a blessed soul, and a beloved follower of Celia. She touched many lives.” Johnathan beamed at both of them, as if cherishing the memory of better days now long past.

  Cara and Johnathan showed Conor around the center. Johnathan looked over at Conor as he explained, “We have many needs, but we make do with what we have. From time to time, one of our kids returns, wanting to help in some small way. May Celia bless them.”

  Conor thought carefully before saying,. “If there is anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate. Although I don’t even know where I could begin.”

  On hearing this, Johnathan nodded approvingly, “That’s kind of you. No need to worry. Just be open to Celia’s voice and willing to heed her call when the time comes. That is all any of us can do.”

  After giving Conor an encouraging pat on the back, Johnathan said, “Well, I must get back to my tasks, but please, feel free to come by any time, I know the kids would love to see you, Cara. Celia’s watch over you both.”

  After Johnathan walked back to his office, Cara tugged on his arm. “Come on. Let me introduce you to a few of the kids.

  Care led him to a group of youngsters around age five to ten. “Everyone, this is my friend, Mr. Conor.”

  “Hi, Mr. Conor!” chorused the kids as they went back to drawing on the ground with chalk.

  Conor watched in fascination as they made use of even the tiniest scraps of chalk to create their masterpieces.

  One of the older girls came over and hugged Cara and peaked at Conor, “Miss Cara, are you and him dating?”

  Conor coughed in embarrassment as Cara turned red, “No Emma, we are not dating. We work together. That is all.”

  One of the younger ones never even lifted her head from her drawing as she casually said, “Miss Cara is not Eibhlin.”

  Conor looked quizically at Cara, but she just shrugged. “Hannah says some random things. Sometimes I am not sure she is still speaking the common tongue.”

  Conor frowned and glanced back at the young girl. She seems like any other kid he had seen. “Are her parents immigrants? She doesn't look like she is from Serret or one of the distant kingdoms.”

  “Several of the kids here are from all over but as far as I know her family has always been local. Her mom works in one of the Benedict factories. I don't know much more than that.” Cara explained.

  Conor watched the kids draw for a while longer while deep in contemplation. Here, these kids made the best of life. They might have little in the way of comforts but they still found reason to smile, play, and make friends. Conor was amazed at how content they were with this simple life while he stressed and struggled to pay rent and bills all the while trying to improve a broken relationship.

  He wondered if this simple happiness was something he could help foster and take part in himself.

  Cara snapped him out of his thoughts with a tap on his shoulder, “You really should see this!”

  She led him to the far side of the gymnasium where a group of early teens had two long ropes and were doing a fun double dutch challenge. Two of the teens were skipping at a dizzying speed as the ropes swirled around them.

  Cara suddenly grinned and ran over to the kids and jumped in the middle, the double ropes spinning around all three of them. She and the kids laughed as they danced over the ropes until one finally tripped Cara.

  She laughed good-naturedly and stepped out of the ropes so the kids could continue playing.

  “I don't know you could jump rope like that!” Conor exclaimed.

  “When you hang around these kids, you pick up a thing or two. What to give it a try?”

  “I would fall flat on my face,” Conor said seriously.

  “Well, maybe next time they will coax you to join them.”

  “Perhaps.” Conor watched the kids play for a while longer, their simple joy infectious to all around them. He was sad to have to leave but vowed to return and do what he could to help this place.
