
Chapter 30: He’s Not Good Enough for You

**Olivia POV

I saw Jesse approaching us with a friendly smile. I tightened my hand around my clutch purse and fidgeted uncomfortably.

“Good evening, Miss Richardson,” he greeted, smirking and bowing his head. It made it seem like we knew each other a lot better than we did. “And who is this?” He eyed Paul curiously.

“This is Paul, we go to school together,” I introduced quickly, hoping that would make this less suspicious. “Paul, this is Jesse, he owns this restaurant,” I explained.

He gave me a look, like he was wondering why I hadn’t mentioned knowing the owner in the parking lot. I sighed and shook my head, hoping that would deter him from asking questions.

“Nice to meet you.” Paul shook Jesse’s hand. “I’ve heard great things about this place.”

“Thank you, but unfortunately I have to tell you that our tables are full for the evening.” Jesse peered from Paul to me with an apologetic expression.
