
Arrow ~ Fundamentals ~ Part Three


"I beg your pardon, Agent Sharpe," Kullens began, sputtering a bit.

"Agent Watson apologizes for not being here," Ava stepped forward into the room more, interlocking her hands behind her back. "But after she received calls from both Deputy Mayor Lance and Captain Drake regarding evidence found that two of the city's highest ranking officials were guilty of being compromised by this Ricardo Diaz, she found it important to check out and ensure that it was not, as you say, a case of Mayor Queen forcing resignations because he wants to get rid of those who are investigating him being the Green Arrow. This," she held up a flash drive of her own, "is information Agent Watson felt relevant to share after reviewing what I investigated. I would like to compare it to the evidence Captain Drake has presented to the council."

The woman who had spoken up before glanced at Kullens, who looked like he was sweating, then extended her hand. "I agree."

Ava handed over her drive, and Dinah did as well. As the councilwoman turned her computer to plug in the drives and pull up comparisons, Oliver ever so slightly turned to the woman who had shown up. "Any relation to an Ava Sharpe mentioned by Sara Lance?" he murmured quietly.

"Whatever gave you that impression, Mayor Queen?" the woman murmured back, giving him a smirk.

Oliver bit his lip to avoid smirking at the phantom of Adrian Chase that sat at the end of the table. He wasn't sure how this agent was pulling this off, but was he ever glad she was.

The councilwoman's face suddenly turned to stone. "This data is exactly the same," she announced, turning it around. "But indicts one of our own as well."

"Who?" Ava asked, tilting her head.

The councilwoman glared at the now pale Councilman Kullens across from her. "Councilman, why does this show you accepting money from this Ricardo Diaz?"

"That is fabricated!" Kullens blustered as Dinah and Quentin stared at an innocently smug Ava in shock.

"Councilman Kullens was one of my contacts here at City Hall to report back to Diaz," Armand pitched in.

"And unless you would like to accuse the FBI of perjury," Ava turned to Kullens, "I would suggest you stop talking right now, Councilman. After all," she smirked, "I find it rather convenient that one of Diaz's payments to you was right after the council made its decision known to try Mayor Queen for impeachment."

Kullens' face was as grey as his hair now. "Ladies and gentlemen, am I correct to assume that this motion was put forth by Councilman Kullens?" Armand looked around.

He was the most vocal for it," the councilwoman confirmed.

Armand's triumphant smirk was vicious. "Fruit of the poisonous tree," he declared. "Ricardo Diaz is a criminal, and while I was working for him, I had my law degree long before Diaz had me. Councilman Kullens put forth a motion from this criminal. That makes him criminal as well. That action in itself is illegal. Therefore, with no evidence against Mayor Queen, my testimony, and evidence provided both by the SCPD and by the FBI . . . quite frankly, why are we still here when there shouldn't be a case at all?"

Kullens had turned so many colors in the last few moments that Oliver was almost worried for his health. "I agree," the councilwoman's voice was ice. "All those in favor of no indictment?" All but Kullens raised their hands, and Oliver could have collapsed in relief. "I believe that concludes this waste of time," the councilwoman nodded. "Captain Drake?"

"Councilman Kullens," Dinah's voice was gleeful as she walked behind the councilman. "You are under arrest."

As the council's voices rose in outrage over Kullens, Ava turned on her heel and left the room, closely followed by Oliver and Quentin, the other agent still nervously hanging back. "Don't worry, Gary, we'll leave shortly," Ava's lips quirked up in a smirk.

Agent Sharpe," Oliver began, trying to find a way to speak. "How? And why?"

"Actually, if we're using titles, it's Sharpe now," Ava told him. "I was promoted after the last director was, for lack of better words, pummeled to death by a gorilla."

"A gorilla?" Quentin repeated.

"A gorilla," Ava nodded. "Don't ask more details, I'm still confused. But as the Director of the Time Bureau, I correspond now more than ever with the Legends. Sara mentioned what was going on, and I thought I'd take a look into it. Imagine my surprise when I found out how many changes in history hinged on whether the mayor was impeached or not."

"My impeachment is that important to history?" Oliver blinked rapidly.

"Mr. Queen," Ava gave him a long look. "You, Ms. Danvers, Mr. Allen, and Sara are all extremely important to history, now more than ever. I was more than happy to help you." She lowered her voice, seeing the council disperse as Dinah led Kullens away. "And not just because I'm Sara's girlfriend."

"Huh," Quentin huffed. "Well, as far as 'meet the daughter's significant other' goes, you didn't do half a bad job making a good impression."

Ava's cheeks flushed. "Thank you, Mr. Lance."

"Please," he waved a hand. "Call me Quentin."

"And it's Oliver to you, Director Sharpe," Oliver smiled. "After what you just did in there, I think you can dispense with the titles."

"Ava, then," she smiled, extending her hand.

Oliver shook it, tilting his head. "So what will you do if the council decides to contact Agent Watson to make sure you're an FBI agent?"

"Oh, we'll be prepared for that," Ava smirked. "Just leave Agent Watson to me. It's the least I can do for all you heroes do for the multiverse." She snorted quietly, scratching the back of her head. "Still weird to believe, and I'm the director of a time travel agency."

"Believe me, I kinda miss the days when it was just vigilantes with medieval weapons," Quentin snorted.

"Yeah, but then I wouldn't have Kara," Oliver smiled wistfully.

Quentin sighed dramatically. "You and your fiancée."

Ava chuckled. "It was a pleasure meeting both of you."

"It was great meeting you, too, Ava," Oliver smiled.

Ava shook Quentin's hand, too, then turned around. "Let's go, Gary."

The man hesitantly waved, then scampered after Ava as she disappeared down the hall. "Well," an oily voice from behind said, and Oliver groaned as Adrian appeared in his line of sight. "That didn't turn out the way I expected."

Quentin side-eyed where Oliver was looking as Armand came out. "Have you still got that Vertigo crap in your system?" he asked.

"What?" Armand asked sharply.

"Yep," Oliver deadpanned, glaring at Adrian.

"You just went in there and faced the council while on Armand hissed.

Blame Kullens," Oliver told him.

"My God, Oliver," Armand shook his head. "You're
